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This one's Just for BJ...

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 1:42 pm
by JK
Just something to kick off the Zook forum...

Doozor, you out there?

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 2:16 pm
by Damo
Waassssuuuppp!!! :evil:

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 2:18 pm
by JK
Good to see you Damo...

Are you still running the Mongrels?

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 2:27 pm
by bj on roids

hey guys!! WOW....a zooki section leaving!!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 2:33 pm
by JK
What... to join Wooders in the Jeep section?!? :P

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 2:37 pm
by bj on roids

im busted!! :wink:

better than hanging around out here where the toy cars come out to play!! :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 2:39 pm
by JK
Reminds me... you never did get a go of the MudCow at TTC...


Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 3:36 pm
by Damo
Hey JK

Still running the Mongrels. They got 1 run and the rig came off the road :roll:

It's currently getting power steer, 4 speed auto, dual xfers, coil rear and custom leaf front. I now know how you feel not being able to wheel!!! :mrgreen:

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 4:08 pm
by JK
I plan to get a set for the 1L pussbox when I get back home. I might have to do some creative work to fir the 32s but I'll do what it take without spending too much on it.

Your mods sound great. LWB?

I'll be wheeling soon enough...


Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 6:32 pm
by Damo
yeah, mine's a long wheelbase

There's not too much you need to do to fit the 32s. I fit them with stock springs, 2" body lift and moving my front axle forward. I had to do a bit of trimming and clearancing but they fit OK. Drop my bumpstops about 10 - 20mm and they wont rub under articulation at all.

You will need some decent rims though, I am running 15x8 with -25 offset. These are available through Speedy Wheels and prolly others too. Good thing is they are off the shelf not a custom item.

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2002 11:25 am
by skippy
yeah, spose I should make an appearance also.

anyone want to buy an orange POS zook?

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2002 11:27 am
by JK
:lol: I already have a (mostly) yellow POS waiting for me back in Oz...

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 8:03 am
by bj on roids
body lift and guard chop jk!!

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 5:11 pm
Hi all!
Being new to this group i think we should introduce ourselves so you guys know who we are.
My name is Sam, i own a 4x4 and performance work shop in Hornsby called Overkill Engineering.
a few of you may already know of us. i have competed at the last two Tuff Truck challenges and various other events in my little red and purple zook! I am curently building a new competition 4x4 which will be ready to compete at next years Tuff Truck.
Anyone interested in what we do should take a look at our website.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 5:21 pm
by JK
:n00b: heh heh

G'day Sam. Like your tube-frame work and I might just have to have a chat with you when I move back to Oz in December.

Is is true that the Bazooka was cut up after TTC?

BTW, if you want some pics of your truck in TTC, just give me a yell.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 5:39 pm
Yes I did cut the car up after Tuff Truck To build the new truck but I regret it now as I should have kept it until the new truck was ready, as I am already getting withdrawals and the new truck won't be ready for at least 4 months.
I'd like to see some photo's all the ones I have seen so far seem to be of me on my side or upside down.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 5:43 pm
by JK
haha, I have a few of those as well...

I know all about withdrawal symptoms... try living in away from it for 4 years...

What's your email and mail-box limit? I have quite a few pics I can send you...

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 6:20 pm
Cool I don't think I have a limit

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 6:33 pm
by JK
I can't find your email addy and your web link is dead.

Shoot me an email jkennedy @

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 1:00 pm
by skippy
Hi I'm skippy (aka mark),

most people know me and have seen me on the boards. I'm a bit of a cyber wheeler as my POS don't work to well off-road. it does go good in the shopping center carparks though. but sometimes I get all crossed up on the speed humps. I should probably do something about the flex(or lack of).

I'm a multimedia/visual artist by trade and am currently working for a highly reputable web development firm. I also do a lot of freelancing to the "alternate/cultural" scene.

I like to take pics, go for long walks under the moonlight, pizza, coffee. *ROTFL* :lol: :lol: :lol:
you can check out some of the crazy shiat I get up to on

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 8:17 pm
by camskizook
Hey Sam (overkill), when are you going to bring your wife's car up here again mate?


Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 8:37 pm
by POS

Nice work,

Have you checked out XRCC Here in Qld would probably suit you.

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 8:57 pm
as soon as my wife will let me out in it.
Ever since i lifted it and fitted the MTR's she won't let me near it.
Whats XRCC

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 11:25 pm
by POS
Extreme rock crawling championship.

I would give you the link but i have just stated using a computer.

Basically, pete kincaid (tjpete) has organized a huge weekend of full on rock crawling.

it will be held at "LANDCRUISER MOUNTAIN PARK" 29th nov to 1st dec.

That will be a sort of a qualifying round for next year.

There will be three or four rounds next year using rules similar to the yankies.

Should be huge (maybe in time bigger than TT, maybe)

Go to "Competions and Events" you should find the links there.

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 7:21 am
by bj on roids
POS wrote:Extreme rock crawling championship.

I would give you the link but i have just stated using a computer.

Basically, pete kincaid (tjpete) has organized a huge weekend of full on rock crawling.

it will be held at "LANDCRUISER MOUNTAIN PARK" 29th nov to 1st dec.

That will be a sort of a qualifying round for next year.

There will be three or four rounds next year using rules similar to the yankies.

Should be huge (maybe in time bigger than TT, maybe)

Go to "Competions and Events" you should find the links there.


get outta m thread

EEEE harr

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 1:04 am
by Dozoor
If Its RED it ROCKS.Honey Im Home :P Well I'll just make my self comfy.


Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 11:05 am
by JK
Hey Larry, good to see you've found us...

How's this new project of yours?

Re project Jk

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 4:38 pm
by Dozoor
Giday Jk ,Have Changed back to an old idea Which involves a lot of range rover bits ,a bit of hilux ,a touch of f100 ,with a sprinkling of either sierra or Lj ,and some sinister sauce hahah. Want 100% engineer certified wheels as well .Is a simple plan i'll chuck an email at ya later with the details. I think it will be very cost affective . :?

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 4:43 pm
by JK
Looking forward to hearing the plans :)

Mate, only 7 weeks now... batten the hatches and lock up the women, JK will be back in town heh heh :evilbat:

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2002 7:19 am
by bj on roids
DirtPig wrote:Looking forward to hearing the plans :)

Mate, only 7 weeks now... batten the hatches and lock up the women, JK will be back in town heh heh :evilbat:

im gunna be reallllll worried, they are gunna go for some old guy in a suzuki over me in the BJ