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dumb......need your help (t-cases)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 9:39 pm
i have a W56 with the 26 spline t-case. the rear extension housing looks the same as an r151 surf but is about 20mm longer.

i have counted the spline count a shit load of times and it is 26.

i have checked through about 15 boxes that i have and they are all 21-23 splines. mostly 23 in the 150-151.

i have this bolted to a 5L motor, it is not the origional box but how ever it is the orgional transfer. (2003 dualcab hilux)

i cant find anything 26 spline, i was given this box as the orginal owner had no use for it and couldnt tell me what it is out off.

have you ever seen, heard or come accross this before???


Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 9:43 pm
the only engine/box combo i didnt cross referance with was 3.4 V6 or a w59.


Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 10:22 pm
by toyrex
Can you post a photo of what you have and what you want


Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 11:28 pm
by 4sum4
Think i maybe in the same prob with my mates lux(have you seen this type before?), Its an import with surf exterior and interior with no tie down straps in the well back an no corner windows in the front,and with a completely diffrant gear box set up than the same year models :?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 10:05 am
by spazbot
dunno if this will help

Identifying Toyota Transmissions by the Input Bearing Number
Transmission Input Bearing Number
L43 6207N
L45/L50 63/32N, 032-2
L52 B32-14UR, 32BC08S1N
G52 B32-14UR, 32BC08S1N
G54, G58 32TM03NX, 32BCS4-2NSLN, 32BCS8-2MT2N
W56-A,B & C 6307-N, HR6307-N
W56-D, W59 35TM11UR, 35TM11NX1
R150, R151 DG4092, 4OTM05, 040-1, 35TM03

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:08 pm
by slosh
from pirate:

Years Engine Model Shift Style Spline Type

1979-1980 20R Carb Top Shift 21-spline
1981-1983 22R Carb Top Shift 21-spline
1984-1988 22R Carb Forward Shift 21-spline
1985-1988 22RE EFI Top Shift 21-spline
1986-1987 22RTE EFI/Turbo Top Shift 23-spline
1989-1995 22RE EFI Forward Shift 21-spline
89-95 22RE(G58) forward shift chain drive transfercase 26-spline will not accept adapters or gear sets. These are 22RE/4X4 Models with 5 spd and ADD.


Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:36 pm
by De-lux
hey 4sum4, whats the difference with that hilux and a non-import? it looks exactly the same.

sorry to steal you thread Nick.