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Toyota conversion problem

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:01 pm
by 77Rangie
i'm doing the toyota centre conversion on my 77 Range Rover, the rear diff went together no problems, but the front stubs won't bolt up to the diff. There is a 2mm gap on one side and a 3mm gap on the other. Initially the stubs were incorrrectly machined, this has been fixed and has helped but not enough. The original front diff had 2 filler bungs one on the diff housing and one on the centre, so i assume that the front housing was swapped at some stage.
Is there a different housing that could cause this problem?

The machining is now as per diagram

Should the 455" measurement be to the outside of the bush?

Thanks in advance

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 5:50 pm
The 0.455" measurement is to the back of the hub, not the back of the bush.

I have heard that there has been a wide tolerance in axle tube length over the life of the rangie. If that is the case you will need to machine the hub down slightly so the bust sits in further. But before you do, make sure you are getting full engagement of the diff-end axle splines.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:53 am
by 77Rangie
thanks, i will check the spline engagement tonight and take some more measurements. Thats a lot out of the stub, as i need 3mm each side and the axles supposed to float 1/8 of an inch.
Would anybody have the length of the jacmac axles before they are installed to compare? (just to check them)

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:05 pm
by Strange Rover
I would almost guarantee that your inner axles are too long. Just shorten the inners until you can assemble the inner axle/cv and spindle and still have a bit of end float if you grab the end of the CV and push and pull.

Just cut the end of the axle in a drop saw.

Id imagine the axles fit properly when you use the jac mac third and jac mac locker. If you are using toy stuff or ARB then the axles do seem a bit too long in my experience.


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:13 pm
by Strange Rover
Other thing to check is to make sure the axles are going into the diff centre all the way. It could be that the axles are a bit too big for the side gears and they arnt sliding all the way in without getting jamed.

Hit the end of the axle with a hammer and drift (brass or a block of wood)and see if it will move any further into the diff (dont hit it so hard that you are going to damage anything)

You should also be able to tell by feel if the axles are bottoming out on the diff cross pin (sudden stop as you slide the axle in but still easy to pull out) or getting jamed on the splines (soft stop and hard to pull out) without trying to bash the axle in.

If the axle is getting jamed you could just hit it in with a hammer or you can file the splines a bit.

Again if you use jac mac axles with jac mac locker this shouldnt be an issue but if you fit his axles to toy stuff or ARB stuff it may be a bit off.


Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 10:00 am
by 77Rangie
Thanks Sam, yes the inners are to long, the jacmac third uses a cross shaft similiar in size to the rover one. The toyota cross shaft is a lot larger causing the problem.
Thanks again