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Would any Brisbanites be up for a trek?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:21 pm
by lkgrainger
Would anyone be up for getting a few or more ppl together for a day at one of the 4x4 parks? Maybe a BBQ lunch? I'm new to 4x4 and reciently purchased a 92mdl feroza.

Let me know your thoughts. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:28 pm
by flynn
so wat u saying is a day trip to cruiser or something i could handle it il just see how my rig goes after this weekend
going up for werock at crusier park. u should go would be good a great way to get u into the 4x4ing. :) :)

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:34 pm
by Spartacus
come up to cruiser either 1st & 2nd with flynn n his loser friends
or come up next week end with me an my loser friends :armsup:

either way members of rock solid crew will be up there

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:40 pm
by flynn
Spartacus wrote:come up to cruiser either 1st & 2nd with flynn n his loser friends
or come up next week end with me an my loser friends :armsup:

either way members of rock solid crew will be up there
sounds like ur going to be hangin out with losers no matter what but come up and have a ball anyway

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:40 pm
by lkgrainger
I was thinking about heading up there to check it out on Sat.
It was either that or catch Blokes world at Queensland raceway!
I just may go the 4x4 thing just to check it out.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:56 pm
by flynn
yeah blokes world would be pretty sweet but cruiser would be better
and dont worry we wouldnt brake ur car both our rockys are currently still gettin fixed ready for the weekend.
PM me if ur up for it

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:08 pm
by 4x4xmore
i regulary get a couple of ferozas together and head out to ormeau, half way down the coast, if your interested or ant other feroza owners interested pm me and see when im heading out next

Re: Would any Brisbanites be up for a trek?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:09 pm
by 4x4xmore
lkgrainger wrote:Would anyone be up for getting a few or more ppl together for a day at one of the 4x4 parks? Maybe a BBQ lunch? I'm new to 4x4 and reciently purchased a 92mdl feroza.

Let me know your thoughts. :)
is there many tracks out ipswich way if so i could prob round up a few guy to head out there for a day trip

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:05 pm
by lkgrainger
I have only just got it and havent realy been looking for 4x tracks I think the only real track close is blackduck I dont know what thats like though.
I have though just taken the Feroza out on a bush track in the burbs and I had it skipping all over the place (and had the missus a little worried) I would say it was my first 4x4 run and I loved it. :twisted:
And it would be good to get out with anyone that is going out on a run, let me know when and where and I will get back to you if I'm able to get there.
My email addy is.....

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:43 am
by Brauer
Hi, Welcome aboard, I hear blackduck is quite a good track. There is also a new 4x4 park opening at Beaudesert if not there's Crystalvale 4x4 park. I was planning to go to Crystalvale this weekend with Ferozaman but knowone could make it and my family got crook. So still trying to plan next trip. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks. Anyway have fun 4x4ing, see-ya around.
Here are a few pics of Crystalvale.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 6:13 pm
by lkgrainger
I went to landcruiser park today couldnt find some of the members from here so i had a play on the tracks by myself. I got to see some rock crawling though that was pretty good. Let me know when your able to go out I'll see if I can make it, always better to have a couple of cars and not to be on your lonesome... :cry:

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:48 am
by Brauer
Nics pic's at LCMP. ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 8:05 pm
by flynn
sorry i didnt see u there i was running late and didnt get there til 10ish. my mate said he thinks he saw u at kilcoy servo. hoped u enjoyed it.
i was til this mornin wen i went to do air locker av i got to about 10m from the top(takin the 'chicken runs' still hard tho) and busted my diff :cry: :cry: i just got it fixed to :cry: :cry:

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:17 pm
by 4x4xmore
lkgrainger wrote:I have only just got it and havent realy been looking for 4x tracks I think the only real track close is blackduck I dont know what thats like though.
I have though just taken the Feroza out on a bush track in the burbs and I had it skipping all over the place (and had the missus a little worried) I would say it was my first 4x4 run and I loved it. :twisted:
And it would be good to get out with anyone that is going out on a run, let me know when and where and I will get back to you if I'm able to get there.
My email addy is.....
years ago i went on a suzuki night run at pine mountain road, just off the highwaysome where but not real sure, was pretty good from memory. is that still there, if so it might be worth a trip out that way

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 5:25 pm
by Mudsierra
Hey lkgrainger, isn't your feroza a sort of blue greenish and grey like the one on your 'display' pic???

I was there at the rockcrawling all day sat and partly sunday, I drove my good old feroza it's the dark green with gray paint works, with 5 spottie on the mounted on the roof. i did go 4wding late on sat arvo and evening, had a ball big time..

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:08 pm
by lkgrainger
I was only there on Sat watched Rock crawling for a while and went 4x for about 3hrs. The little Feroza didnt want a bar of Telstra
I hope its like the one in the pic, cause its the one parked in the driveway.