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31x10.5s w/2" susp lift
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:25 pm
by dank
well just got the suspension done this week and have an order in for 31x10.5x15 mongrels.
after reading lots of different threads it seems that fitting the 31s on without a bodylift or extended shackles is gonna cause a fair bit of rubbing on wheel arches, spring leaves, bumper mounts and the rest.
I wanna keep it street legal!
any of you boys (and girls?) out there know any other little tricks that'll allow me to squeeze on the 31s without rubbing?
any opinions would help
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:33 pm
by christover1
Extending your front bumpstops can help a lot, with an obvious loss of articulation, though.
Even with a body lift and trimming, I still needed a small extension on my bumpstops to fit my mongrels..
If you run stock springs, they won't travel as far, and you may have less issues.
Bashing all the sharp edges flat in the wheel arches will help, you can also smack in the wheel arch a little.
some people put a lock stopper on the swivel hub, to stop spring rubbing, but I have offset rims, so don't need them, and dunno how anyway

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:33 pm
What have you got?
(year make model etc)
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:46 pm
by derelict_frog
I have the same wheels and a 2" body lift and 2" extended shackles and the front ones touch every time i go over a bump over 10km offroad pretty much, and if there turned they get mulched into the arch, im getting 2" springs soon so they should fix it a bit (my springs atm r flat). So i just take it slow and approack rocky bit with the tyres straight. On road they never hit. Also the back ones never hit offroad, its just the front ones being so close to the firewall and being almost a 32" when new are quite sizable.
I got 15x8 inch rims with a reasonable offset so they dont touch ne thing when turning its just when it comes to bumps they leap up and hit everything in the arch.
Hope that helps, so u wil need a few mods to use them well. If u have a WT they are slighty higher than a NT stock to.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:26 am
by ofr57
well i queensland its legal for 2inch body and 2inch spring but it is the max you can go doesn't rub that much unless on hard compression going down hill
also inside the front wheel arches hammer down the seal and trim the front bumper steel tube and its all good
Re: 31x10.5s w/2" susp lift
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:27 am
by grimbo
dank wrote:well just got the suspension done this week and have an order in for 31x10.5x15 mongrels.
after reading lots of different threads it seems that fitting the 31s on without a bodylift or extended shackles is gonna cause a fair bit of rubbing on wheel arches, spring leaves, bumper mounts and the rest.
I wanna keep it street legal!
any of you boys (and girls?) out there know any other little tricks that'll allow me to squeeze on the 31s without rubbing?
any opinions would help
if you want to keep it stret legal then you'll have to ditch the 31s as they are too big an increase in tyre size stricttly speaking.
What state are you in? this will have a big bearing on what you can and cannot do
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:49 pm
by dank
thanks for the quick replies guys
my zook is an 88 model soft top swb sj40 WT
yeah sounds as if i might need to drop down an inch to 30s will that solve my probs or will it just lessen them?
also if i'm looking at offset rims what offset is a standard and practical way to go with the mongrels?
What's a bodylift going to cost me in melb?
I'm in melbourne at the moment
you info has been great guys keep it coming
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:08 pm
by mistaboz
if you drop down to 30's then get 9.5 width otherwise you will still have a problem hitting the springs/perches (depends on the offset i guess).
for offset refer to the bible.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:41 pm
by ShuDuck
I have 31"10.5" on 2" springs no bodylift. Did rub in front with full stuff,only in top and front, but i have hammered the firewall a little. With 3\4" shackles it doesnt rub nearly as mutch. Rear it only rubs on the inside of the wheelwells.Could extend the bumpstops a couple of cm, that would solve the problem.Could go with a 2"bodylift, but im not a fan of bodylifts

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:22 am
by derelict_frog
Looks like shuducks springs r still good so holds the body up a bit, mine r dead flat so i need the body lift for the same height as u i rekon lol, hopefully i will get the newer springs within a week though.
Offset rims will stop the tyres rubbing on the springs a lot, mine on full lock r still like 1" away from the spring, but there hitting the guards ....
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:08 am
by waxhead..
I have extended shackles, two inch lifted springs in the rear and RUF. I run a 31x10.5 of 15x7's, with no body lift or scrubbing. I extended my bumstops a bit, and lifted the front guard 2 inches and bashed the inner tub smooth.
I get good flex, the only thing that touches is the inner wall on the shock tower when articulating with the wheels turned.
Mine is the black one, and there is still some more travel left.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 2:43 pm
by dank
well i ended up getting 30x9.5 muddies for it. its looking like i'll have to chop some bumper mount off still and its rubbing on the springs at full lock i think so i'll have to do something about that as well....otherwise its sweet!
After driving it up a hill i really noticed the power loss with the bigger tyres so i'm happy i didn't go with the 31s now.
thanks for your help guys much appreciated.
also one more question...
is an angle grinder my best bet when it comes to shearing off sections of bumper mount?
Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 2:52 pm
by nicbeer
Yes, let the grinder be your friend.
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 1:00 am
by derelict_frog
Sure is tiger!
got pics?
yea i go a whole gear lower everywhere, but downhill 5th loves the bigger tyres lol...
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:49 pm
by dank
here's a pic of the almost finished product...cutting and bashing still needed to be done to a few areas and possibly something done to stop the wheels rubbing on the springs which happens at full lock. any quick fix for this?
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 5:05 pm
by PJ.zook
Really the only solution to spring rubbing is wheel spacers which fit between the hub and your rims, or get your rims modded with some more offset, this costs from memory something like $50-$70 each. Or you can get some new rims.
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 5:58 pm
by Spike_Sierra
or just add washers to the bolts that hold your knuckle wipers on.
Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 9:38 pm
by derelict_frog
My offset rims are enough to stop my tyres hitting the springs.. they were standard liek that, maybe get them recut or buting another set maybe cheaper, mine were only $50each and ive seen wheel spacers for much more etc..