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12V 24V Winch Differences

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 7:57 pm
by Bush65
What is the difference between 12 and 24V motors on Warn winches?

What is the difference between the 12 and 24V solenoid packs?

If the 12 and 24V motors are different, can a 24V motor from a high mount be fitted to a low mount and the 12V motor from a low mount fitted to a high mount?

Are there any other differences between 12 and 24V winches?

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 3:08 pm
by Trickster
You can swap them over but if you want them to work efficiently/properly, then you will probably want to also put in a 24v Altenator.

24v stuff works the same as 12v but with less Amps. Less Amps = less heat and current draw from your battery.

I'm pretty sure thats basically it...


Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2003 7:55 pm
by dumbdunce
the difference in the solenoids is the 24V solenoids are (duh) 24V, ie 12V isn't enough to lock them on. otherwise the contacts etc in them are the same. the motors are interchangable between 12 and 24v models of otherwise similar specifications, ie you can swap the motor off (say) a 24V 8274 onto (say) a 12V HS9500. the 24v motors are heaps more efficient.


Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2003 9:12 pm
by Bush65
Thanks for the info, that will help.