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feroza fuel pump prob + suspension prob too
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 3:10 pm
hey guys my fuel pump is possibly on its way out cause it whines so much unda acceleration. im gettin quotes of bout $251+ for geniune. is that 2 much? can anyone get a cheaper quote than this for me, but stil remainin easy to install. also wat bout using a second hand unit? other than the feroza, is there anyone that has used a pump off another vehicle to fit in place of the original?
also went to pedders today for suspension chec, an they told me my front torsion bars are rooted from previously bein wound up too high. they quoted me $450 for the lot. is that a good price or is there cheaper? also the rear shackles are warped-read orginals an never replaced- they quoted $300+. am i being ripped off here? any help would be good guys.
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 3:55 pm
by senergy
my fuel pumps whines all the time. I can actually feel it vibrating sometimes. Still works though so i havent been bothered looking into it.
I actually wanted to check someone elses fez to compare (your close to me, Leichhardt..)
torsion bars.. seems about the right price, i wouldnt get them from pedders though.
Rear shackles.. I'll sell you mine original ones for $150 HAHAHA if it bothers you then get a set made up at a metal shop approx $50-100.
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 3:59 pm
dude your from leichardt? hmmm. wat part? cause im from redfern. heck we should hook up sometime, wat u think?
but yeah i kno not to go to them for parts but i needed a specialist to hav a look at my rig cause it nose dives on heavy brakin.
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:56 pm
by murcod
Be very careful of Pedder's diagnostic skills on suspension problems. I'm sure there are some good stores out there, but I've heard plenty of negatives (eg. near new components being diagnosed as stuffed.)
The diving under brakes could be caused by your tyres being underinflated or the rear end springs/ shocks being on their last legs too. I know the dive on mine was virtually eliminated when I had rock hard rear springs!
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:14 pm
by lkgrainger
I had a check through them not long ago same prob the torsion bars were/are gone they quoated $395 for a pair to suit my 91 fez. Cant complain about the pump yet still workin.
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:42 pm
by rOd
murcod wrote:Be very careful of Pedder's diagnostic skills on suspension problems. I'm sure there are some good stores out there, but I've heard plenty of negatives (eg. near new components being diagnosed as stuffed.)
I second that!
They may be ok with sedans and the like, but their knowledge of 4wd suspensions is questionable.
I had them replace the radius arm bushes on my GQ (I supplied the parts coz genuine item) and they managed to butcher fit three and totally destroyed the fourth! Then they blamed the part (which was OE ni$$an) for being wrong!

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:06 am
so is there a 4wd shop that can do a diagnosis of my suspension here in sydney??? stil no replies on the fuel pump item though. can anyone help?? has anyone used a pump from another vehicle??
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:36 pm
by murcod
My fuel pump doesn't make much noise at all. There's a fuel flow test and pressure test you can do in the Service manual - could be worth checking before handing over $$$ for a pump.
VL Commodores had a similar external pump. You will probably find the mixtures would be affected due to the differing pump rates though? You would probably need to fit an adjustable fuel pressure regulator and get somebody to check the mixtures and set it up?