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ERP devises. (electronic rust prevention)
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:18 pm
by DR Frankenstine
Do they work and How do they work.
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 5:14 pm
by AndrewPatrol
search this and other forums.
will also show plenty.
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:27 pm
by dumbdunce
search outerlimits for 'ERPS' - about 10 relevant threads, some pointing at the others.
I say gimmick. Fish oil inside, body deadener outside, stay out of salt water, wash regularly = best rust protection money can buy.
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:38 am
by MEX
The "ERPS" system and "Counteract" systems work. I've had the EPRS system for three years driving creeks, beachs, mud holes etc and have no sign of rust. A mate of mine has had similar experience with his Counteract system.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:27 am
by RaginRover
designed for ships, piers and oil rigs, works on a sacrificial system from memory, great for things emersed in salt water but IMO I wouldn't bother with them, go and ask the surf lifesavers next time you are at the beach see what they reckon about rust and vehicles I believe they have them fitted.
As dumbdunce says - fish oil, washing and stay out of salt water at all costs
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:39 pm
by DR Frankenstine
Thanks fellas..
Im just in the middle of a re-spray and have found absolutelly no rust (i want to keep it that way) not bad for a 1986 mk nissan. Im allways in mud and have driven in heaps of salt water. I do allways give it a good wash afterwards though.
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:11 pm
by shanegtr
My cruiser was drowned in salt water over 1 1/2 years ago. Got an electronic rust prevention unit in and still no sign of rust coming through. I would say they are a good thing
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 9:18 am
by Pinball
RaginRover wrote:designed for ships, piers and oil rigs, works on a sacrificial system from memory, great for things emersed in salt water but IMO I wouldn't bother with them, go and ask the surf lifesavers next time you are at the beach see what they reckon about rust and vehicles I believe they have them fitted.
As dumbdunce says - fish oil, washing and stay out of salt water at all costs
Different system, you're talking cathodic protection, use it on pipelines too, anything that gets into a wet environment. Good electronic units use free electron system to lock down Fe ions and prevent bonding with oxygen ions to form rust. Pads of the system form one plate of the capacitor, steel of the bodywork the other and paint is dielectric.
Good ones work, bads ones have been known to be worse than nothing, also be aware of polarity, if you have a positive body i'm not sure if it'd work so well, or even reverse the sytem.
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 11:55 pm
by 460cixy
i threw one on dads disco. its a hire car on fraiser island so we will see how it goes.
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 1:48 am
by KaMo
Pinball wrote:RaginRover wrote:designed for ships, piers and oil rigs, works on a sacrificial system from memory, great for things emersed in salt water but IMO I wouldn't bother with them, go and ask the surf lifesavers next time you are at the beach see what they reckon about rust and vehicles I believe they have them fitted.
As dumbdunce says - fish oil, washing and stay out of salt water at all costs
Different system, you're talking cathodic protection, use it on pipelines too, anything that gets into a wet environment. Good electronic units use free electron system to lock down Fe ions and prevent bonding with oxygen ions to form rust. Pads of the system form one plate of the capacitor, steel of the bodywork the other and paint is dielectric.
Good ones work, bads ones have been known to be worse than nothing, also be aware of polarity, if you have a positive body i'm not sure if it'd work so well, or even reverse the sytem.
He is actually can get impressed current systems on ships and rigs etc...aswell as cathodic protection
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:51 am
by Pinball
yeah u can get em, and ERPS even advertise the loading dock on straddie for it... but they aren't sacrificial..
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:35 am
by lexi
Where and how do you buy fish oil in OZ. No jokes.
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:17 am
by LC105
If you read the fine print on the websites for these products, they actually say only painted metal is protected by ERP systems. Search each site - you will find that little gem tucked away in there somewhere. Some crap about electrons flowing through the metal, then onto the paint, and back again.
For my money, I want the unpainted surfaces protected, not the painted ones. You know - the stone chips and scratches, the inside of doors, windows, etc... I tend to find the painted surfaces take care of themselves...
All a load of garbage. These go in the same basket as the feltch...ummm, fitch thingos.
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 6:11 pm
by forissan
I have a system the same as the ERPS and the such and have found over the last few years no signs of rust even on the heavily stone chiped under side from lots of dirt road driving, and the occational beech trip. I Bought it from a dealer who advertizes usually in the tradeing post but also was good with information on how there system works and information on both set ups. he was also much cheaper than the others 2 main one becouse of selling direct to the public. I am trying to find there details in my records.
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:28 pm
by grazza
I had an 8-way ERPS unit fitted to my GQ shortly after buying it.
I dont have any chassis rust but I do have minor spots here and there which are definatley new. I go to the coast pretty regularly.
I do believe the ERPS unit is doing something, but I am not 100% convinced.
Why is this question not black and white? Either they do work or they dont. The proof of their operation should not rely (solely) on user-experience but on certified scientific proof. I find this quite annoying and unacceptable.
Maybe there are some conspiracy theories out there, I can make a couple up:
* the car companies have no interest in prolonging the life of the car because you wont buy a new one as quickly
* the car companies dont factory-fit them because they dont work
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 8:45 am
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:38 pm
lexi wrote:Where and how do you buy fish oil in OZ. No jokes.
Fish oil is available from anywhere tat sells paint or car parts/accessories. I usually buy it in 4lt tins (then spray it on using the same type of gun as is used for degreasing.
Can't find a pic, but here is a material safety data sheet for motospray/hichem fish oil, which is the one I normally buy. ... SH_OIL.PDF
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 9:59 pm
by uninformed
to all those that say they work, how do you really know? what test data do you have, ie; same car, same conditions, same time and no rust protection unit to compare it too.
i have a 98 landrover defender, been to fraser 3 times, each time for 1 week. i live on the gold coast and my car lives outside, gets parked on the beach front most days for work and i don't wash it enough.
i don't have any elec rust protection on it and the only spots rusting are the bits of chassis i ground back to weld on.
my point is cars anr't to bad for rust especially if there less than 5 years old, if you've only had it on for a year or 2 whos to tell if its made a difference???
cheers, Serg
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 1:48 pm
by bruiser
I agree, My cruiser is 10 years old has no rust protection and I go to fraser island about 5 times a year and up the beach every couple of weeks in summer.
It has no rust.
The point is new cars don't rust these days like they used to. I assume its to do with the way they are painted and the fact they dont pool water like they used to in spots