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Rocky Engine Suggestion ?
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 5:12 pm
by vestax
Hi guy's my rocky gear box is screwed up , and the engine is half dead , it only revs max at 3,000rpm and it wont go future and the petrol consumption is too high .
So is there any other direct bolt on engine from van's , or other makes that i can bolt on directly or without any major modding to the mounts ?. I need to get the same engine cc & must be petrol , similiar to the 3y , if not road tax will be a killer back here .
Please name me some engine models which is 2.0 and above not exceeding 2.5cc petrol that might be a direct bolt on .
Thanks !
vestax @ malaysia
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 7:26 pm
by HotFourOk
Have you tried sourcing the same motor and gearbox but 2nd hand??
That would be the best bet.. or try to find out what is wrong with the current one.
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 7:43 pm
by r0ck_m0nkey
Easiest "bigger" engine swap would simply be a 4Y, it's only a 2.2L version of what you already have and is a fairly common Toyota motor, maybe even a 4Y-E which is a fuel injected version of the same motor. Won't be a great improvement but it is something else.
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:43 am
by SimplyPV
r0ck_m0nkey wrote: Won't be a great improvement but it is something else.
any improvement is a great improvement....
what were you thinking?!

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:37 am
by vestax
I was thinking about the 4Y motor , its from a Toyota Hi-ace van right ? , which worries me about loosing the 2H , 4H & 4L gears , would i loose those gears if i were to use the 4Y gearbox ? pardon my ignorance

I would love to dump in a diesel engine , but the problem if its not a green engine i`ll be paying high amount of tax :( , by the way i have a mitsubishi 4G63 vr4 , but the problem is , it needs modding to the mounts , and it hard to make it road legal .
So any other suggestion are welcome , by the way does anyone know how much would it cost for a brand new 2nd gear syncromesh for my 3Y rocky gearbox in OZ ?
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 9:21 pm
by BabyGodzillaGTi-R
Wei Bai....
Just screw the engine and drop in a 1JZ bai...........
I'm sure if u look around u're bound to find a Rocky gearbox. Since there are so many competition Rockys around. They normaly throw the whole drive train away and drop in LCII stuff.
Doing a 4Y is pretty straight forward. Didnt i tell u the last time i'm running a 2mm overbored 4Y engine?
Another alternative that is plentiful are 22R 2.4 engines from the LCII.
Aiyoh just get a specimen syncromesh and u should be able to get the parts from your friendly sparepart towkay.
Or maybe u can even drop in a 1KZ from the Hilux.
There's is a crazy yellow Rocky on 33inch M/Ts running a 4G63T. Heard it has some gremlins though. From what i saw he just did an adaptor to mate the gearbox, modify the mounts and he turn the intake manifold the other direction.
IMHO the most straightforward would be either to drop in a 3YE or go for a 4Y.
Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 9:44 pm
by vestax
Haha dude , i have no budget for 1JZ conversion , even my 4G63 is dying on me right now , so im really broke as hell . Thats why im looking for a cheap alternative .
Anyidea where to source out the 4Y or a 3Y front cut ? i`ve look around , but most of the car yard brings in you know ! those performance engine only .
A sparepart dealer told me he could get the syncromesh for me , but its going to cost a bomb , im not sure how much , which is why i ask if anyone knows the price , so that i can get a rough figure .
Anyway vic , if you know any halfcut shops that bring in 4x4 stuff , please let me know alright , are you still using your old number ? i`ll probably give u a call one of these days .
Thanks bro
BabyGodzillaGTi-R wrote:Wei Bai....
Just screw the engine and drop in a 1JZ bai...........
I'm sure if u look around u're bound to find a Rocky gearbox. Since there are so many competition Rockys around. They normaly throw the whole drive train away and drop in LCII stuff.
Doing a 4Y is pretty straight forward. Didnt i tell u the last time i'm running a 2mm overbored 4Y engine?
Another alternative that is plentiful are 22R 2.4 engines from the LCII.
Aiyoh just get a specimen syncromesh and u should be able to get the parts from your friendly sparepart towkay.
Or maybe u can even drop in a 1KZ from the Hilux.
There's is a crazy yellow Rocky on 33inch M/Ts running a 4G63T. Heard it has some gremlins though. From what i saw he just did an adaptor to mate the gearbox, modify the mounts and he turn the intake manifold the other direction.
IMHO the most straightforward would be either to drop in a 3YE or go for a 4Y.
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:22 am
by BabyGodzillaGTi-R
Either the spare part guy is trying to pull a fast one on u or its really expensive which i doubt so.
Hell the other day i bought a 2nd gear syncro for our MGBGT. Its a british classic car if u dont know. cost only a 100bucks...
So i dare assume a syncro for a jap box shouldnt be that costly.
Unless u're changing the whole gear then it is costly.
If u can give me a sample of your syncro i can help source it for u.
Hell 4Y engines should be plentiful bai, for heaven sake its a commercial van engine bai. I'm sure u throw a stone in Kepong u're bound to hit a tong chair halfcut towkay. Obviously u dont go to the typical performance car halfcut shop.
U dont need to buy a halfcut lah. Just an engine would do but i would prefer a rebuild then a halfcut as u're playing with luck... Try Rawang, a few 4x4 shop there. There is a pretty popular shop a km after Rawang town next to BP.... But like i said it's an engine, i'm sure so many ppl can rebuild it.