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My MQ Wobbles!!
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 9:20 pm
by ThirstyMQ
Howdy all,
I don't know if this is a common problem or not but at the 75-80km/h mark, i get a violent wobble in the front end. It sounds like the steering damper is taking a good hammering.
The only way I've found to fix this, while driving, is to either floor it and get above 80km/h (which isn't compatable with my current license points situation in some areas) or slow to about 60-65km/h.
I thought I'd fixed the problem when I replaced the front wheel bearings and saw the state of the old ones (that almost literally fell apart in my hands, no grease!) but unfortunatlty it didn't work.
It only used to do it every now and then and when it's in that speed range, it seems to be started by a bump in the road. But nowadays it's almost a sure thing.
Could the damper be the issue? If so how can I check it. Or is it a balance thing or steering thing??
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I now have to change the seat covers coz the missus took it for a drive!
FYI it has 164K kms, OME suspension and 31in tyres in good nick.
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 9:41 pm
by Big Red Toy
the bushes in the front sheckles where they attach to chassis

common problem but easy fix
if you can't do it yourself i recommend a pedders store as they have all the parts
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:50 am
by MARKx4
I had the the same problem with mine. I replaced the front spring bushes. Also i noticed a crack in the weld were the spring perch is fixed to the chassis, i welded that and had no problem arter that.
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:46 pm
by Screwy
1. check to make sure your U bolts are tight both front and rear. if not tighten them
2. There is a steering stabalizer bolted to your front chassis crossmember, all the relay rods run into this on your steering and then over to the tie rod.
There is a grease nipple on this. GREASE THIS
3. check how worn your bushes are on your front spring hangers and replace if needed, or just grease up depending on how bad they are, also check for chassis cracks on those front spring hangers.
check all these things, buy a tube of grease and go over the whole car and you will find more than likely your problem will be solved.
IF the problem still persists, your tie rod ends or steering bal joints are shagged, so may be tought to replace, but only after trying all else.
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:53 am
by MjWatt
I got the same problem, the guy I brought it off reckons it only happened since he put new tyres on it, but I think i'll check those things now.
thanks guys
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:00 pm
by DR Frankenstine
Two more things
1. swivell hub bearings for tightness and
2. wheel ballance
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 6:52 pm
by V8Patrol
Screwy_ScrewBall wrote:
2. There is a steering stabalizer bolted to your front chassis crossmember, all the relay rods run into this on your steering and then over to the tie rod.
There is a grease nipple on this. GREASE THIS
Grease is a waste of time if its worn....
better off fitting new bushes ( $16.80 last set I fitted )
to check......
Get someone to move the steering wheel in a similar manor to the "shimmy" you are describing, while you look for movement in the front end steering joints.
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:14 am
by leeboy
Hi i have a MQ lwb just started the same thing. I just droped the tyre pressures down to 30 psi and the shake has gone away. I have new shackles and springs bushes ect but not shore about steering joints. i'll check the rest in morning and let u know.....
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:00 pm
by greenfourby
What size tyres are you running? Bigger Tyres = Less Caster
Also check the toe in/out, I found on my old 40 that the wobbles got worse after a factory alignment. I gave it a bit more toe in and problem solved, totally !!
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:52 pm
by ThirstyMQ
Thanks to all those who replied to my deliema.
I tried everything (by that, I mean the ones that cost me no $$) that the kind people who replied suggested but in the end I removed 1 of the adjustment shims from the top and bottom bearings in the steering knuckle flange.
The bearings still looked like they were in good nick and it sorted out the problem so I think I'll leave it at that. Unless I've done something really bad! Gurus?.............