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Who to talk to about unsatisfactory workmanship?
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 8:26 pm
by Stackson45
Who can i complain to and also find out what consumer rights i have when some work has been done incorrectly to my vehicle?
I'm gonna ring MTA, Dept Fair Trading, any others?
I'm purposly omitting all details as this matter may turn out just fine, although it's certainly taking it's time getting there.
Although a similar (fictional) case would be you bought a new set of tyres, for the premium price, they don't spin as good as the old ones, and they have less tread.
Who else has had dramas and what was done to resolve them?
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 8:49 pm
details might help for what your options are
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:20 pm
by Stackson45
Basically (without saying any names or pointing fingers) we had a gas kit put onto our cruiser - it doesn't run properly, but the main problem is that the fuel economy in $ is exactly the same as petrol
- meaning it's chewing 90L of gas when it use to use 40L of petrol.
Something is Very wrong.
And the gentleman who installed this kit doesn't seem to be taking me seriously, and it's becoming a problem.
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:21 pm
by pongo
dept of fair trading. It would pay to talk to other gas installers about it first though. It only costs 30 buks to lodge a dispute claim if it comes down to it.
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:30 pm
by VinVin
i have heard that cruisers do chew alot of gas tho, but shouldnt equal the same as petrol
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:36 pm
by bogged
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:30 pm
by Dozoor
Just as a matter of interest ,
Does your car reach its proper operating temp ?
You havnt removed the thermostat have you ?
Hard to believe but relavent questions .
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 5:23 pm
by Stackson45
I haven't touched anything, and honestly i haven't looked at the temp guage much to notice if it's running colder or not.
I took the 80 in today for attempt 3, and i asked him to his face if he believed me when i told him how much gas it was using, and he said straight out no.
Now, how do i deal with that?
How can he fix a problem he believes does not exist?
I've spoken to the MVIRA, and if it doesn't get fixed this time then i'll be going through them.
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 5:58 pm
by Bingham
put all figures down on paper... obtain a copy of their pamphlets and also the actual kit details used,,,,,, probly speak to another reputable similar company and explain the situation and ask for their thoughts, eg common usage on similar vehicles..........
Following this id have a serious chat to old mate explaining that you wont be dropping the matter if there is a "false advertsing " or whatever case and mention that you a member of australias leading 4wd tech fourum and that their name will be mentioned if it has to be to get a result.....
Approch fair trading , read all fine print and if worst comes to it spend a day at his store with a sign ecplaining to potential customers your experience and you will be looked after in no time........
and nail the prick to a post if need be

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 6:18 pm
by bazooked
genrally on duel fuel you will use way more gas than petrol, not quite double but close. i do about 330 kms to @70 litres gas, but mine is dedicated gas.
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 6:34 pm
by mico
try the motor vehicle repair authority (MVIRA) (02) 9712 1432 they deal with that sort of thing
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 9:13 pm
by RaginRover
How much did you pay for the kit installed? Have you got your certificate/plate certifying the installation yet?
I would call him and state are unhappy with the performance of the vehicle and it doesn't meet your expectations. Say that you will put a few tanks of gas through it and keep a record of it in a log book and then you want to book it in and have it fixed to an acceptable level.
Now the next thing I would do is to find out what the average is for people with an 80 on gas - from fuel you should lose around 15% economy so for my rangie I got from 20L/100K fuel to 23L/100K on LPG.
In reality I don't think he will do much for you I would find someone else to tune it up - I found a few guys around Brisbane that will do full gas analyzer from $75 - make a few calls and see. I know it is not point but at the end of the day you want it working - personally if a bloke didn't believe me or do the job I thought he was going to do I wouldn't want him working on my car after the fact.
If you get into this guy with dept of fair trade I don't think he will respond well
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 8:08 am
by sierrajim
And put everything in a diary, keep diarised notes as you go along. If it does go further it can and would be used as evidence.
As Rangin Rover said, take it somewhere else and get it tuned, see how it goes.
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 8:19 am
by 45punkbus
my brother and pc man both run gas on there 40's, my brothers is running a clapped out 2f on duel fuel (petrol never is used) and he gets better fuel eco than a new carolla, and pcman is running straight gas on a 2f and he gets better fuel eco than my brother from what i know.
i run diesel so im dont really listen to much to there gas talk,
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 8:25 am
by RaginRover
45punkbus wrote:my brother and pc man both run gas on there 40's, my brothers is running a clapped out 2f on duel fuel (petrol never is used) and he gets better fuel eco than a new carolla, and pcman is running straight gas on a 2f and he gets better fuel eco than my brother from what i know.
i run diesel so im dont really listen to much to there gas talk,
The 80 series running on duel fuel will suffer around 15% loss with an open loop system because of the fact that they don't have the capability to run duel maps for the ignition. Having said that I have seen some excellent results from various systems. If add the parts in to make it closed loop you will then achieve much better ecomony.
You can tune the straight gas systems up really well but then you can't run any fuel so you do run into range problems. There are guys on here with discos and IMPCO systems that are getting 20L/100K fuel and 20L/100K gas which is very good IMO - I will be interested to see if their systems can maintain that level of economy with standard servicing (plugs, leads etc) and without having to have a full analyzer tune more than once a year.