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GU susp - Dobinson coils/Gabriel Shocks

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:37 pm
by Neetas
Does anyone have any experience with the above combo (Shocks - Gas Desert Fox by Gabriel/Dobinson HD coils). Are foam cell shocks worth the premium (+$125 for four)? To be used in a GU with BB, dual batts, towbar, rear storage, cargo barrier ie some weight F & R, and towing an offroad camper regularly.
Ironman also got a good rap at the budget end of the market in last months 4x4 mag. Anyone with longer term feedback on these - I know they've haven't been around for that long. Or anything else??
Any feedback would be appreciated.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:37 pm
by harvey
I had the ironman foamcell shocks in my landcruiser and throught highly of them. ironman foamcell shocks are made by gabriel anyway so i would guess they're coming out of the same factory as the desert fox foamcell shocks. I chap on another forum in his GQ LWB Patrol has the dester fox shocks and procomp 3" springs [HD in rear, Soft in front] and rates them highly.

hope this helps.