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GU rims 15 vs 16?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:58 pm
by mr Z
Hi guys,

just wondering what the difference in handling on and off road would be between 15 and 16 inch wheels/tyres
do 15's have more tyre roll? (cornering on road)
i'm looking at 33's or 35's
15 inch tyres are a bit cheaper so if theres not much between the two i may fit these instead of 16's onto my coil cab

any advice would be appreciated

thanks :)

Re: GU rims 15 vs 16?

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:16 am
by Simo63
mr Z wrote:Hi guys,

just wondering what the difference in handling on and off road would be between 15 and 16 inch wheels/tyres
do 15's have more tyre roll? (cornering on road)
i'm looking at 33's or 35's
15 inch tyres are a bit cheaper so if theres not much between the two i may fit these instead of 16's onto my coil cab

any advice would be appreciated

thanks :)
Hi Mr Z

Not sure you will get 15's on your GU. I think you'll find they don't fit over the brakes or something. A mate of mine tried it and I'm sure the rears didn't fit or something like that. Also not sure on how you will go with compliance ... if your vehicle is ADR'd and placarded (tyre placard) for 16's then you might run foul of the transport dept.

Not 100% sure on both these suggestions and maybe someone can either confirm or advise otherwise.


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:19 pm
by mr Z
yeah i'll check what the compliance plate says about rim size. when i get them the guy said i can try 15's on to see if they fit.

although it might be easier just to stay with 16's


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:36 pm
by AJ
15s will fit all GUs except the 4.8L petrols. They have bigger front brakes.