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V8 Snorkle

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 12:39 am
by shagginwagon
I have '82 model Hilux with a 253 and I was interested in putting a snorkle on it.
Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions or ideas on how I good go about it.
Main concern is the actually adaption of the 4barrel carby. I was thinking of using a standard aircleaner and rigging a spout off that

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 8:28 am
by ausyota
I have thought about this topic myself as Im thinking of running a cold air intake (not a snorkle!) on the wifes 253 commodore :) .
I would cut the restictive cone shaped stock inlet pipe off the aircleaner. Then get a small piece of big truck extaust pipe (about 100mm) and flatten one side down a bit into an oval shape so it fits the height of the airbox and cut it on the curve so it sits snug then weld it on to the airbox.
Then you just need some 100mm ducting and a snorkle.
For the actual snorkle you could use truck exhaust pipe or fancy stainless pipe if you like a bit of bling bling. Or you could use a normal snorkle like a safari or something.
If you are feeling really keen you could put 2 snorkles on. One on either side with a Y at your aircleaner. Thatll give you plenty of airlow!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 11:04 am
by shagginwagon
I think the standard air cleaner adaption is my best option. Using an old truck exaust sounds the go, giving it that bling bling affect. Dual snorkles would look tough indeed. Not sure how I would go cutting out a hole on the drivers side guard though, might get a pro to do that as I'm a butcher at the best of times...hehe
Thanks for the comment.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 7:03 pm
Go to a LPG conversion shop and get the top section of an IMPCO Holley Gas Horn Cover. They are aluminium and cover the top of the carb and usually have a tube bolted to them to mount the mixer next to the carb rather than on top. You want the one that the tube bolts to not moulded to it. Then just make a plate to bolt to where the tube usually bolts to and weld some 3" exhast tubing to this oval shaped at the plate end. Then run some flex hose to a factory air filter box and then conect that to your snorkle.It is then all easily sealed up and also runs the stock air box.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 11:35 pm
by shagginwagon
Good call on that one ruff. I know the impco gas setup your talking about, there the duel fuel setup that are puss. Spewing I didnt think of that before b4.
I was sussing out old truck stacks for custom snorkle, but they are too wide in diameter. Any suggestions on making a snorkle which has that steel custom side about it.
Thanx Ruff

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 7:56 am
by Ruggers
go to your local exchuast shop. get some 3inch exhuast pipe and get them to bend it to suit the curves on your truck or buy some mandrel bends and weld it up your self. mine cost 60 dollars plus the air ram bit at the top