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Landcruiser 2F engine question - Head interchangability?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 1:30 pm
by turbo4t

I've got to change a head on one of my Cruisers and am wondering if the head off an earlier model will go on. Mine is an '83 FJ60, the spare is off a 1975 model. Does anyone know if they changed much???????.

I've been told some 2F's have dome top piston and others are flat and that the heads wont interchange.

Any info is appreciated.

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 10:01 pm
by bundytunna
im preety sure that they are all the same from 72 but im not too sure
pick up a gregorys etc work manual
i got one bloody useful tell u everythingbout a 60

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:23 pm
by dumbdunce
is the head off your 83 physically damaged/warped? they are pretty indestructible but sometimes crack if savagely overheated. very prone to exhaust valve burning especially if the EGR isn't working and/or the mixture isn't enriched to compensate. pull the head off the 83 and put it side by side with the early one - if they're not obviously different it should be ok.

pm me if you want to discuss a budget recon for the 83 head.



head probs

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 8:35 pm
by turbo4t
Thanks for the replies.

Brian - Thanks anyway but the car is only going to be on the road for another 4 months so I don't want to spend any $$$. It still runs ok with the radiator cap undone but as soon as I do it up, it pumps all the water out the back as steam pretty quick. Head gasket?, cracked water jacket?, bent head? dunno. I'll have to wait and see.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 8:57 am
by dumbdunce
stick 3 or 4 tins of bars leaks in it and hope for the best!

could be any of those things. risk the changeover, if the heads are different then at least you'll be able to see whats broken - maybe its just the gasket

Re: Landcruiser 2F engine question - Head interchangability?

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 12:20 pm
by 2car
turbo4t wrote:Hey,

I've got to change a head on one of my Cruisers and am wondering if the head off an earlier model will go on. Mine is an '83 FJ60, the spare is off a 1975 model. Does anyone know if they changed much???????.

I've been told some 2F's have dome top piston and others are flat and that the heads wont interchange.

Any info is appreciated.

Put a post on the Land Cruiser section of Those guys love their TLC trivia!