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Out of Town/Long Ranger GU tanks

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:06 pm
by Neetas
Hi folks - thanks for the info recently on GU suspension. Here's another one for yer.

Are the above LR tanks any good? I've found a couple of NEW 145 litre units without fitting kits. One has a leak, the other damaged in transport, meaning no chipped paint but minor denting. Any idea what it would cost to repair the leaky one?

If no warranty is avail on these and the fitting kit is $140, what would the fair market value be on these? Worth buying?


Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:07 pm
by turps
ahh ebay. I think I know the ones you are talking about.
There is no real need for a fitting kit.
The basic fitting is remove carpet from rear. Dont need it all the way back just pulled back about a foot and a bit.
This will show a cover plate in the floor. Remove cover plate and you will find the sender unit. Just disconnect everything.
May also need to remove plastic inner guard on inside drivers rear arch. So you can undo the hose clamps on the filler.
Then its just a couple of bolts holds the tank up.

When putting bigger tank in. You will need some more fuel line. So you can extend the breathers. Old sender should bolt in.
Would have to go out to shed to check some other things, but assuming they are very similar to a GQ. They are pretty easy to do. Just a prick to lift the new tank up. As they are heaps heavier than the factory item.

But these since they where only damaged in transit. Should come with the bags of etc hoses and stuff.