First off a brief description (if you havn't read the other 25 posts about this).
99 GU Wagon - Not much lift- maybe 1-2 inches
Brand new 285/75/16 Xterrains on standard steel 16x8s
I did it a bit on the old 265 MTRs but not as bad
Newish Toughdog RTC steering dampner (without the spring- it makes it worse I reckon)
When speeding up starts vibrating badly about 80 kays, but backing off it takes to about 65 to get rid of it. Does it to about 90-95 or so.
It doesn't seem to happen really bad until you hit a little bump which sets it off.
Wheel bearings are fine. Tyres have been swapped front to back to see if it was badly balanced tyres. Directional so cant be swapped side to side.
There is a little bit of slack in the steering box- not much though - can this be adjusted and how? - Could this be a cause.
Tie rod ends seem fine- no slack in them.
How do I check the panard bushes. They are a bit of a pain to get the bolts undone- but I will this week with a rattle gun - but with a big screw driver you can move the car of the the rod end one around in the bush. Could this be part of it. Should the bush be fairly solid.
How do I check the radius arm bushes ( i guess these are the trailing arm bushes,)
Any help would be great- its a pain looking for my fillings on the floor while driving