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MTR's or something else ??

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 6:31 am
by suprasurf
I have sold my Simex 35 ET's and am now on the hunt for a replacement. Has anyone on the board actually holed an MTR??

They are $400 for 37's here compared to $600+ for any other tyre 36 or bigger. I would buy the Simex 36 but we don't get em here :(

My big concern is the Simex is almost indestructable, of the 5 trucks I wheel with no-one has holed one but we have destroyed BFG and Kuhmo muds. Is the MTR any stronger than the BFG / Kuhmo.

Is there another 36+tyre I could look at ??
Opinions and comments please.
( PS found local ad for used 36 swamper radial TSL $1500 for 5... whats a swamper radial like ? )

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:06 am
by MQ080
There is alot out there in the way of m/t that are far better than the kumho & BFG for that matter. MTR's may not have the same number of plys in the sidewall as the bfg's but they are alot stonger. The reason for this is that they are a thicker ply to start with. Ever since the KM series was released there has been endless chatter over hear about sidewall issues, two of my mates have been through 4 sidewall all up. The main reason for this is that the KM does not have anymore rubber (total volume) in the tyre than the old series, rather to make the side lugs rubber has been moved from the sidewall up to the tread. This may look pretty, but al too many people have found out that they are (insert your thoughts here)...!

Depending on what you want, if it's going to be a daily driver and you don't have the time/$$$$ to have two sets, go the MTR's. However if you want offroad traction bias are always the way to go

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 1:11 pm
by Robbo
Geeez how ya gunna get 36" s under a surf without em rubbin, I've got 5" lift & my 35' simex rub shit out of my patrol gaurds? :x

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 1:31 pm
by suprasurf
Robbo wrote:Geeez how ya gunna get 36" s under a surf without em rubbin, I've got 5" lift & my 35' simex rub shit out of my patrol gaurds? :x

Guards... who needs guards, have hack saw and grinder and not afraid to use em :cool:

I bit the bullet and bought 5 MTR 37's today NZ$1890.. ouch

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 12:29 am
by Robbo
Get stuck in suprasurf sounds like your gunna have fun with that grinder. You need grinder girl off Letterman show he he he :D :D