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safe or unsafe?
Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:12 pm
a mate of mine has given me a volt stabiliser? has anyone had any experience with these or know much about them? i dont know whether its worth installing and whether or not it is safe with the negative switching on my 4bee? what do you guys rekon?
Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:03 pm
by ausoops
mod move to auto-elec?
what brand is it?
do you have dual batteries or 24v?
typically ive seen these set up on 24v vehicles where accesories are tapped of the +12v battery and the stabiliser 'tops up' the +12 from the +24 bat, this ensures you dont overcharge the +12 and undercharge the +24 bat.
however on a dual system (+12v) the equaliser can be used to equalise the volts (charge) accross batteries that are separated ie not paralleled when charging, this allows the cranking battery to charge first before the second battery will recieve charge.