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35's on TD42
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:24 pm
by Clarkie
Does anyone run 35's on a TD42?(no turbo)with or with out low diff gears/transfer case gears?
I know it would strugle on road,how about off?
Thanks Shane
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:40 pm
by InSanE
yea mate i run 36" peede's with stock as a rock TD42 no gears nothing and it chugs away slowly but i can do 110 easily u just fall back on hills a bit
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:48 pm
by Kruza
not a nissan but i drive a non turbo 105 series Cruiser ( beam front end) with 35" wranglers and it is great on the flats and down hills but slows down a bit going up hills, which i dont mind because its heaps better in the bush..

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:52 pm
by beretta
Mine is stock as a rock in gearing and no turbo.
Offroad I find mine quite alright, only time it sucks is on steep decents where it tends to run on a lot more, rock ledges are no drama given the increase in wheel diameter increases the vehicles ability over and above the diadvantage of higher gearing, if you know what I mean.
On road they go okay, but it's a bit more like driving a truck on the hills, just sucks away the power.
Man I want a V8 though!
Re: 35's on TD42
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:01 pm
by bogged
Clarkie wrote:Does anyone run 35's on a TD42?(no turbo)with or with out low diff gears/transfer case gears?
I know it would strugle on road,how about off?
Thanks Shane
Borrow some, take it for a drive.
Everyone has different opinions on what is good what isnt.
its been asked before, and some said they couldnt tell the difference (they then put the crackpipe down), others hated it.
Its a pure personal thing, how you drive, and what sort of driving you do..
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:19 pm
or you could put in a set of 4.6 gears which will help and possibly a turbo

this helps heaps. and goes well with the 31" back on
i have some gears for sale if anyone is interested.
4.6 genuine nissan
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:41 pm
by mabsydney
I run 33s TD42, no turbo, stock ratios.....hill suck, I have to drop down to 3rd on long hills, but otherwise its fine in a slow kind of way.
Appin sunday
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:46 pm
by blackmav
I have a steep hill that I used to be able to JUST hold 3rd up sometimes with no turbo. Now with a turbo I can JUST hold 4th and any speed in 3rd

Very happy. Standard gears etc
Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 7:31 pm
by nalucas
35's did slow my car down somewhat from the 32's that were on there and it put me off driving long distances too as it was just tiresome going back down through the gears at the sniff of a hill and you certainly have NO acceleration up a hill, so if you get baulked by a slower vehicle, your screwed. The car just feels breathless and has a distinct lack of response. One thing you can be sure of is that 5th gear won't wear out
It have a turbo charged IC setup now and it's great to drive. Still not the fastest acceleration from a standstill, but once in third gear and above it pulls along nicely and goes up hills much better.
If you live in a fairly flat city, which sydney is not, then you might get away with it, cos once it's up to speed it's not too bad.
Everyones opion will vary slightly and everyones 7% change varies too, best way is to go for a road test with a mates tyres if that is possible.
They do make a massive difference offroad though and i haven't found the gearing to be too bad as the TD42 seems to chug along at pretty low revs well.
Hops that helps.
Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:31 pm
by Doggy
Ive got 35's on my shorty safari and sure its a bit sluggish, but I never expected it to break land speed records in the first place. I can tow my ski boat behind it no worries and it will sit on 110 - 120km/h on the highway loaded up and with the boat on the back....drop it back to 4th on the slopes and there is no worries