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60 series body lift

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 10:08 pm
by 350_60series
i want to do a 2 inch body lift on my cruiser, is there any other mods i would have to do or should it be ok? i got told i had to move the radiator down

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 4:23 pm
by G_loomis
there is plenty of info regarding body lifts on HJ60 here. ... hp?t=51966

If you cant find what you are looking for in the toyota must be blind!

I done a 2" body lift to my HJ60. The only things I had to do was extend the brake lines (which was already done anyway), trim the hole around the transfer case gear selector (hits when into L4). I didnt move the radiator, I just trimmed the fan shroud a bit.

Loosen the handbrake cable before you lift though, if it is tight up againts the brackets holding it to the body...something bad may happen when you lift.

Also lift one side first then the other...a lot easier than doing front to back.

But take a look through the toyota bible and and the general bible...they have a HEAP of info.

Oh...welcome to outer limits!

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 9:19 pm
by 350_60series
thanks heap for that, helps me alot!!! ur a champ

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 9:50 pm
by 350_60series
the only thing is that i have a 350 chev wif a turbo 400, it might make things a bit different

Re: 60 series body lift

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:54 am
350_60series wrote:i want to do a 2 inch body lift on my cruiser, is there any other mods i would have to do or should it be ok? i got told i had to move the radiator down
I can supply a full kit with fitting guide if you are interrested.
cheers JOHNZ