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Dealer check?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 3:39 pm
by Lordtrunks
HI, been a bit since i've posted havn't really posted much on the other board either anyway would someone mind checking out a local stealer down below for me. here is the number MB305151 its a engine wiring harness for an 83 2.3 Ltr Turbo diesel Pickup 2wd. any help would be most thankful. If they have it find out the price and get back with me and if you don't mind picking it up for me and shiping it to the US i'll pay for the shiping and part. THanks ahead of time

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 7:46 pm
by Bitsamissin
Sure Patrick, I'll call tomorrow and let you know.


Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 4:10 pm
by Bitsamissin
Patrick I checked and it didn't come up on the Oz CAPS system.
Thinking about it I don't think we got that model here.
I'll check with someone in Japan to see if it's available over there.
Let you know soon.


Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 9:50 am
by Lordtrunks
Thanks for checking frank, its like diesel truck rebuild days or something at my house i'm working on mine and my buddy just picked up an 84 mits 4wd pickup with the diesel in it and a mess load of extra parts, engine block 3 heads, couple of oil pans and more, so last day or so been helping him put together the rebuilt block and get it going its gonna be a monster man.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 2:10 pm
by LandRaider
Damn man AIM me or something!! I want a progress report!
I almost got my 4.3 swap done!