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Disco S1a Alloy Wheel nuts Loose ??

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:29 pm
by amshaw
G'Day All,
I put my alloy rims with HT tyre's back on about 2 weeks ago after a weekend away. 8) :D ...wife was saying she was hearing clunking type sounds from the front end yesterday, so I had a look....on the front left 2 nuts where almost off, 2 other where very loose :? also a few others around the Disco where loose too.

When I changed over the rims I ALWAYS go around each rim twice to make sure there tight :?

I only have the LR smallish wheel unless anybody has any better ideas I might just go and buy a full size or truck type brace so I can get more leverage on the nuts.

No wonder the nuts where done up really tight with a rattle gun when I bought the Disco :twisted:

Any Ideas blokes...or any girls out there??

Re: Disco S1a Alloy Wheel nuts Loose ??

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:10 pm
by -Mandy-
amshaw wrote:I only have the LR smallish wheel unless anybody has any better ideas

No wonder the nuts where done up really tight with a rattle gun when I bought the Disco :twisted:
Buy one ;) :D

You will need a huge socket as well being stoopid LR wheelnuts :roll: :lol:


Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:11 pm
by ratrangie
Have the nuts got the washes behind them ??
Without these the nuts wont stay tight
Regards Stu...

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:25 pm
by HSV Rangie
as above.

neverhad them come loose.


Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:03 pm
by cloughy
2-3' foot breaker bar ;) , i've had them :oops: come loose

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:54 pm
by cooter
did you make sure there was no crap behindt the wheels before tightening then like dirt or rust asc this will work out and make the nuts become loose

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:22 am
by amshaw
Thanks All,

all nuts still have washers on them. :?

No I didnt clean behind wheels after our last trip away. :oops:

Had some guys say I should use a tension wrench to 150pound or 130nm,Ive been told alot of places are using them now.... :shock:

This might be the way to go as Ive always wanted a tension wrench anyway :roll: ;) :P......any good "value for money" wrench's out there?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:20 am
by RaginRover
just make sure you can undo them on the road - as it will be pretty embarrassing when you are waiting to be towed when you can't change a flat. I do them up as tight as I can with the wheelbrace and they stay tight.

I have a small 1foot section of pipe to undo them

Make sure the alloys are centred on the wheel studs - otherwise you will make some nice oval holes in the alloys and it makes the wheel nut hard to do up


Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 3:17 pm
by TRobbo
amshaw wrote:......any good "value for money" wrench's out there?
I use the 12 volt impact wrench for undoing and tightening my wheel nuts, with two hits for tighness. Then check for tightness using standard brace (found none loose yet). It makes the process of changing wheels a whole lot faster (although obviously not as fast as pneumatic wrench) and is cost effective and portable for the bush.

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 6:57 am
by zen
its common!!!my local tyre shop always reminds me to check them 50miles down the road..he says very common..and he would know..notorious infact inthe exciting world of tyre repairing..