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Picked the new 4.8ltr Patrol up last night,, Happy as!!PICS

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:41 pm
by kc_ksom
g'day guys

Picked up my absolute rip snorter patrol last night... Very happy with the end result, all on LPG now, seems good so far, Only put 50km on it so have no idea on fuel economy as yet, but will get there soon enough..

Here is some pics...




Quick run down on it, 02 4.8ltr ST-plus, white in coulor, has Bullbar, Warn Winch, Cooper STT, TJM Snorkle, TJM Suspension, Front and rear diff locks, in car compressor, towbar, alloy wheels, tint, cargo barrier, LPG, in ex cond... This car is something I been dreaming of getting for a long time, but never thought I could get one for under 30k :shock: :shock:
Paid 29k, then put LPG on it for $2700.00 NO COMPLAINTS HERE!!!!!
Catch ya


Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:18 pm
by Brendan-s
What a bargain! You scored big-time mate. Offroad ability, comfort, grunt and economy -- what more could you ask for? I think i speak for everyone when I say...


Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:40 pm
by j-top paj
4130warrior wrote:

yeh where are the pics? :)

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:19 pm
by kc_ksom
Ok fellas

I have the pics, just got to get them hosted, ohh, found that the tyres are ST not STT, looked like STT from where I was looking..


Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:49 pm
by Beefcake
nice buying mate. I've got an '05 4.8L and they are definitely the goods. I am trying to sell it, but with what you paid for yours I doubt I will get what I want/need for mine.
I'm sure you did your homework, but I've heard not so good things about the 4.8's on gas. Not sure if this applies to the earlier models or just the most recent ones. If you haven't already jump on the forum and search for a thread by streetfox. If you know nothing of it, it could potentially save you a fair bit of coin.
Hopefully none of this will apply to you and you just get to enjoy it without any dramas.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:01 pm
by gu4800
Firstly, very nice looking Patrol. Good buying I think, given all those extras (there's nothing left for you to do!).

2 questions:

1) How big is that lift?
2) How many k's on it?

You'll have many happy years of motoring in that.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:12 pm
Good score :D
Got everything you need , the only thing i would be worried about is the LPG tank , where did they put it? did they take one of the petty tanks out to fit it?
I have seen some dogey setups like a 100 series cruiser with twin tanks monted on the chassis rails , looked like they would scrape on a speed hump :shock:
EDIT.......... can see it under the rear , dont worry :cool:

Re: Picked the new 4.8ltr Patrol up last night,, Happy as!!P

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:21 pm
by bushpig59
kc_ksom wrote:g'day guys

Picked up my absolute rip snorter patrol last night... Very happy with the end result, all on LPG now, seems good so far, Only put 50km on it so have no idea on fuel economy as yet, but will get there soon enough..

Here is some pics...




Quick run down on it, 02 4.8ltr ST-plus, white in coulor, has Bullbar, Warn Winch, Cooper STT, TJM Snorkle, TJM Suspension, Front and rear diff locks, in car compressor, towbar, alloy wheels, tint, cargo barrier, LPG, in ex cond... This car is something I been dreaming of getting for a long time, but never thought I could get one for under 30k :shock: :shock:
Paid 29k, then put LPG on it for $2700.00 NO COMPLAINTS HERE!!!!!
Catch ya

I'm jealous looks a beauty! Hope to get something like that myself... Do let us know the LPG economy as I am keen to know. I am looking 4.2 Diesel but if the LPG comes in spec may look at that....

All the best

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:45 pm
by Shorty40
Nice work Casey :cool: Looks even better than you said :armsup:

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:48 am
by kc_ksom
Thanks fellas

Couple of Mods i am going to do is, Blitz 240 driving lights, I got a good deal of a set (free) lol..... Just need some covers...

I also want to add a DVD for the kids with an Xbox under the seat, rear cargo mat, and down the track I wont to put in a new exhuast, as the standard exhuast SUX..


They reckon i should get 280-300 round town, up to 350-370 on the hwy. Im on target for 280 I think, this is its 1st tank full, but im not to sure where on the guage it will run out..
4.2ltr with the same spec as i got would still be near 50k, so way out of MY LEAGUE...
LPG was my only option..

How ya doin
Im not to sure how high over standard the springs are, but im thinking 2-3in. Good comfy ride, not hard but just firm enough to notice a difference in ride...

Just clicked on 95k, so they reckon its nearly run in, lol.....

I can only hope I get a good run out of this engine on lpg, I read heaps of info and I think there is no right or wrong answer, as there are a lot of cars out there on LPG now, so there are going to be good and bad stories,,, So im just hopping for a good one..
motors can blow up at any time wether there on lpg or not..
So all im doing is adding the Valve saver stuff, and run a bit of petrol through it every now and then....
Hope you sell yours ok... just to note, cars are so hard to sell private, i dont know why, but geeze, I have a 2000 tickford xr6 VCT and i cant sell for more than 10k, i dont know what else to do, I dont want to give it away... but i know what your thinking....
Suxs man

the car is a pisser hey, lol...

Catch ya


Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:01 pm
by RMP&O

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:48 pm
by badger
where the hell do you find a decent 4800 that cheap

i been looking 4 months and found nothing but standard high k stockos

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 10:47 pm
by Xcited
Nice truck mate.

Keep us posted on how it goes on gas as damn mine loves petrol... :bad-words:

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:44 am
by kc_ksom
Hey fellas

Bit of an update, been on gas all week, only around town work, no Hwy use, I done 310km from the tank of LPG, the tank ended up taking around 88ltrs to fill, this cost me with the 4c/ltr discount $46.36 :armsup:

I am very happy with the amount of LPG it used, I was hopping to get 350km on the Hwy, by the sounds I will or should get more than that... Very happy...

Power difference is present, as you can feel the difference between the 2 at any speed, tho, Petrol is there in an instant as the fuel pump is on %100 of the time, so it is instant power when needed, ie up a hill loaded etc etc.
Over taking I cant see a problem as there is still plenty of grunt there on LPG, heaps, infact it would have double the power of an eqiv 3.0ltr diesel on tap anytime either on gas or petrol..
So all up SO FAR I am as happy as larry...

One hick up at the moment which will be fixed on the 1000km service is, when you start the car it starts on PETROL, it then swiches over to LPG about 30sec later so, during that swich, the car sometimes stumbles or stalls at idle or just above idle, this pisses me off BIG time, yesturday it stalled going down a hill I had NO vacume for the brakes. So I just flicked the swich and started in PETROL (in neutral) but if you wernt on the ball, this could of ended in a serious accident at the intersection down the end of the hill WITH NO BRAKES... It doesnt stall or stumble above 1500rpm it seems to only effect under cruise...

The car runs nice at idle and all the way through the rev range... Im really happy so far, i just hope i get a good run with the engine..
