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That Biodiesel on ACA.. what the

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 8:44 pm
by ForceAnt
What the!! meaning, i thought it was illegal to produce ur own fuel, as in refinery!!! And this guys is on TV flaunting the fact that he makes his own fuel....Can anyone out there shed some light....
:? Ant

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 8:47 pm
by toughnut
You can produce your own fuel to a certain ammount and after that you just need to register and pay the fuel excise so the government bastards still get their cut. :bad-words:

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:12 pm
by -Scott-
toughnut wrote:You can produce your own fuel to a certain ammount and after that you just need to register and pay the fuel excise so the government bastards still get their cut. :bad-words:
What he said!

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:12 pm
by Eddy
Any Idea what that "certain amount" is?

I was under the impression that excise was payable on all fuel produced

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:31 pm
by toughnut
not too sure. I saw an article when it was a big thing in the news a while back

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:14 am
by kirragc
.38c per L

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:37 am
by -Scott-
That's the excise. I think Eddy wants to know how much fuel you can make before you're expected to pay the excise. I don't know.



Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:52 am
by Miraz
In theory any fuel that you make is subject to excise....there is a lobby in progress to exempt fuel produced for personal consumption, leaving the fuel excise in place for any commercial sale.

One has to suspect that it is kinda difficult to police - I can't really remember if I produced 80 or 800 liters last month....

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:59 am
by goodie
is it the same dude whos on channel 10 now???

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:12 am
by Snarba
go to the gov web site and see for yourself.....ANY oil that is reacted (turned to biodiesel) whether you use it or spill it etc has a 38 cent per L tax on it. It's legal to make but you're meant to get a free license so you can be audited!! plus you've gotta keep all your info on where the oil came from etc... nothing like the Gov giving "incentives" to stay honest eh :?

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:00 pm
by ForceAnt
Ok, i got the lowdown. U can make the fuel, but u can not sell it. If u sell it, then the gov wont get their excise and gst. And also i was told they have a low Ct of 42, which is the aus standard, while fuel companies are around 62.
cheers Ant

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 4:41 pm
by -Mick-
but using the stuff in the car you can still get pinged for using an untested fuel can't you?

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 5:41 pm
by Nev62
-Mick- wrote:but using the stuff in the car you can still get pinged for using an untested fuel can't you?
Never seen RFT (random fuel testing) in my travels :lol: