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Rodeo Sump Find!
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:42 pm
by ferrit
I just dropped the sump off my 2.5L Diesel rodeo (well the bottom sump- 2 part sump) to fix a leaking sump seal... and i found something!
Its black, and flexible, and looks like its made of a hard rubber- my finger nails can dent it...
Looks lik theres a sealing surface on the top and bottom of it, and its broken on one side...
Any ideas WTF it came from?
it COULD explain the phantom oil leak coming from the front of the engine behind the main seal- the main seal itself isnt leaking, but theres oil on the join between the main sump and the block!
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:57 pm
by DTS
Hmm looks to me like it could be the cause of your oil leak. That is part of the front upper sump seal. It goes between the timing cover and upper sump. Can be a prick of a job to replace.
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 4:12 pm
by ferrit
yeah.... well the sumps off... the motor... but i cant get it out of the friggin car!!!!! theres not enough room for it to slide out without first either lifting the damn motor out or cutting a chassis crossmember out

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:28 pm
by DTS
If it is a 2wd you can undo the engine mounts and jack the motor up as high as it will go (don't break the fan shroud or any hoses) . Once you have jacked up the motor you might be able to fit the sump out of the now larger gap.
If it is a 4wd then you will need to undo the front diff mounts and let it drop down. Then do the same as above and it comes out easily.
Believe it or not sometimes it is easier to do a sump on the 4wd than the 2wd. If doing a 2wd and the lower part of the sump is behind the cross member you might need to pull out the engine. If this is the case pull out the gearbox with the engine it is much easier than trying to line up the clutch later on (trust me on that one).
Anyway good luck with it all, better you than me I guess.
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:31 pm
by DTS
And make sure that you put some chocks under the engine mounts once the engine is lifted and lower it onto them.
Or lift it from above with a block and tackle. (don't squash yourself)
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:11 pm
by ferrit
Well the engine is currently attatched to the roof of my shed with a creeper hand winch
ive gotta drop the fan and shroud off because its going to foul if i lift it, but i SHOULD be able to get the required height without having too many issues with things getting caught on stuff....
the oil pickup looks like it could cause hassles too.. stupid car.
Hilux's are a Piece of piss... undo the bolts and the damn thing falls onto the front diff... stupid 2wd IFS Piece of crap!