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Fixing hilux crankcase seal..

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:23 am
by BadLux
Hey i was told by my mechanic that he couldn't fix the crankcase seal because the motor has to much blow by however ppl have said that this shouldn't stop the crankcase seal from being able to be fixed. Who here had to fix one on their hilux or had any dramas with it?

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 1:08 pm
by RAY185
Is there a chance you misunderstood what your mechanic said? Perhaps he said its not worth fixing the front crank seal because of the excessive blow-by. If the blow-by issue is not rectified it will continue to pop seals. eg: fix the front crank seal and the rear main seal will start leaking. So its not so much a case of "can't fix" but more a case of "not worth fixing" untill blow-by is rectified.
The procedure for replacing the front crank seal is not complicated, just time consuming with a good chance you'll need a puller to get the crank pulley off.