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diff housing/centre sealant

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:14 pm
by diesel028
what should i use between the diff centre and housing (when changing diff centres) to prevent leaking? Is there a special gasket or something else i can use?


Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:37 pm
by chops
ultra blue is your friend :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:43 pm
by big bundy
burons, repco, all those sorta stores. ultra blue is a good mate of mine :armsup:

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:52 pm
by pongo
yep , I buy the blue siliconr thats fis the caulking gun, Lasts months before it goes off.


Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:53 pm
by diesel028
Cheers guys :armsup:

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:13 pm
by Reddo
silicone gutter sealant - works every time and cost less than the Auto stuff!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:04 am
by Gribble
Reddo wrote:silicone gutter sealant - works every time and cost less than the Auto stuff!
Dont use roofing silicone. It will leak like a seive after a year or so of use.

Use proper RTV sealant like Ultra Blue, Stag etc. I would use a gasket too, they are only $10 from repco.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:10 am
by Tiny
Gribble wrote:
Reddo wrote:silicone gutter sealant - works every time and cost less than the Auto stuff!
Dont use roofing silicone. It will leak like a seive after a year or so of use.

Use proper RTV sealant like Ultra Blue, Stag etc. I would use a gasket too, they are only $10 from repco.
aree, I subsribe to the if it sticks like s*** and gets you high while aplying it it it the good stuff :lol: any RTV silicone will do the job, you dont need to ge the fancy high temp racing stuff that glows in the dark and changes color when the oil needs changing either

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:18 am
by Gribble
Tiny wrote:
Gribble wrote:
Reddo wrote:silicone gutter sealant - works every time and cost less than the Auto stuff!
Dont use roofing silicone. It will leak like a seive after a year or so of use.

Use proper RTV sealant like Ultra Blue, Stag etc. I would use a gasket too, they are only $10 from repco.
aree, I subsribe to the if it sticks like s*** and gets you high while aplying it it it the good stuff :lol: any RTV silicone will do the job, you dont need to ge the fancy high temp racing stuff that glows in the dark and changes color when the oil needs changing either
And smells like Burger Rings. ;)

And yeh your right, you dont need high temp stuff but the majority of RTV you buy these days has the additive anyway.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:46 pm
by Reddo
re guuter sealant....

not so, well not round here at least. We've never had one leak yet, and have used silcone gutter sealant on all the farm machinery for the past 15 years and more, and it has held tight against all challenges, including hot hydraulic oils under immense pressure, and without a gasket too! ........but ......agree if you're unsure use the patent auto stuff which should be OK provided the surfaces are cleaned first eg, with degreaser (spirits or the like).

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:47 pm
by Daisy
Reddo wrote:re guuter sealant....

not so, well not round here at least. We've never had one leak yet, and have used silcone gutter sealant on all the farm machinery for the past 15 years and more, and it has held tight against all challenges, including hot hydraulic oils under immense pressure, and without a gasket too! ........but ......agree if you're unsure use the patent auto stuff which should be OK provided the surfaces are cleaned first eg, with degreaser (spirits or the like).
ditto here as well.. but havent tested them long enough.. only on the buggies :D.. and they often get their parts removed if broken or somethign needs replacing :D

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:39 pm
by pongo
silicone is also great for repairing holes in mufflers. Mine went through rego like this.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:58 pm
by diesel028
Gribble wrote:
Reddo wrote:silicone gutter sealant - works every time and cost less than the Auto stuff!
Dont use roofing silicone. It will leak like a seive after a year or so of use.

Use proper RTV sealant like Ultra Blue, Stag etc. I would use a gasket too, they are only $10 from repco.
Yeah I think i will get a gasket as well.


Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 7:55 pm
by pongo
a toyota 22r sump gasket is sealant only. i went to toyota to buy a gasket and they said its part number is sealant. I would save ya money on the gasket. Just use the silicone sparingly.

If you use a gasket you should use the correct gasket sealant other wise your just holding a gasket to a metal surface via silicone anyway.


Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:13 pm
by Reddo
forget the gasket! Use the sealant only, it is not needed in 99% of cases and usually builds in additional failure/leakage opportunity. My view anyway ;)

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:57 pm
by Gribble
Use a gasket. ;)

If the diff leaks its probably because you used sellys all clear (roofing sillicone) instead of the proper stuff. Or your just galloptic and dont know what the hell you are doing.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:52 am
by cloughy
Use a Gasket, nice 30thou hard shit that doesn't crush to much, you misalign the axles in the side gears not using a gasket, i know its fark all but some of us like to do a good job ;)

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:17 am
by pongo
cloughy wrote:Use a Gasket, nice 30thou hard shit that doesn't crush to much, you misalign the axles in the side gears not using a gasket, i know its fark all but some of us like to do a good job ;)
Thats a fair point. Maybe we should be putting in our axles before tighteninging up the diff centre. would definatly help locate the axles/centre properly


Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:01 pm
by Reddo
Hum.....interesting comments re gaskets and sealant. Still seems ironic that lots of machinery don't use gaskets anymore. Wonder why????

Check any Toyota 'parts' manual. Even the 60 Series rusting out the back of the shed uses silicon based sealant in stead of gaskets in many many places.

As for the alignment comment.......well......I'd be very surprised if it's that critical given the normal flex that occurs across differential housings and components. Time will tell but 10 years so far and no problems to report here....

PS no need to get personal............we have a modified Disco here that now has very few gaskets anymore, and it don't leak one drop of oil from anywhere!!! I also noted that the official Rover dealer in Hobart used gasket goo when the transfer case was warranty rebuilt some time ago an it don't leak either.

OK nuff said......time to move on....each to their own way

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:43 am
by cloughy
Reddo wrote:

OK nuff said......time to move on....each to their own way
Can't get the last word in but ;) your dead right some manufacturers recomend sealant, so use sealant they've been machined to suit the 3thou film the sealant uses

And about the misalign probs, yea they're fark all- like i said in a previous post- but none the less everything is machined to a tolerance, now i'm talking DIFF centres of the banjo type, i DON'T use gaskets on >swivel housings>>stubs>>short axles.... as these don't create misalignment problem's

I guess its like building a diff centre some people blue it others just check the backlash....transfer cases and gearbags, some people check the tolerances and preloads others just put them together and the worst part of it is!

Some people blueprint everything and it farks up and others whack it together and lasts forever :cry:

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:53 am
by Gribble
Use a gasket and RTV. :armsup: