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Tail shaft drama
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:54 pm
by 4X4 Celt
All started off easy enough, went to local auto shop bought some new uni joints for my vit.
Jacked it up marked where everything was supposed to go before removal, took the tail shaft out went to the shed to replace the uni joints plus had a mate too help.....NOW! only went to make a quick call and my offsider trying to help sprayed the shaft with wd40 and while trying to remove the uni joints managed to remove my markings in the process.
I managed to install the new uni's and yep you guessed it, i tried putting it back on the vit.... but without the marking there's now heaps of vibration.
it's got me puzzled... what to do next.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:01 pm
by SiKiD_01
so you didnt have any markings onthe shaft at all? in that case, its eather one, or both of the unis where put back in 180*, which means, you might have to take the shaft out 3 or 4 times and turn the ends of the shafts around on the unis.
maybe the flange on the diff didn't line up with the shaft? did the unis all seat properly?
when ever i take my driveshafts out, i sorta never mark where the flanges are, and i dont get any vibrations.
other than pulling the shaft and re-doing everything, i dont know.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:06 pm
by 4X4 Celt
Thanks for the info SiKiD_01 no marking left whatsoever, as far as i can see the uni's are seated properly. i started doing what you said a few hours ago... in regards to taking it out and repositioning it. starting pissing down gave it up till the morning... then i'll try again.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:09 pm
by mud4b
ok what you need to do is line the yokes at each end up.. so if you look down the shaft from one end to the other you can see both the yokes at either end of the shaft lining up and the joining yokes at 90% to the top yokes.
fialing that, hit the cups (gently) to seat them correctly.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:15 pm
by 4X4 Celt
Th@nks mud4b, i'll give that a try in the morning also.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:03 pm
by Casey_leonard
Mud 4b's got it right, if the uni's are fitted correctly this should fix your problem. What I do is use a centre pop to permanently mark the alignment at thier mateing points, you don't have to bash a deep hole just a heavy tap will give you a mark and not damage anything.
Also check that the uni's move smoothly and freely, if they are tight you may have dropped a roller, (although if you got the cups in this is unlikly to have happened), else the cups may be a little misaligned, you can fix this by useing a soft metal drift (brass) and give the flange and shaft rings (where the cups fit into) a tap outwards, you should feel the uni's free up, sometimes when pressing the uni's in these get loaded up and a bit of a tap frees em up.
Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:06 pm
by 4X4 Celt
Thanks Casey_leonard, all the info that's been given i will try and use in the morning. i'm pretty sure the vit will be running again shortly. Th@nks
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:24 pm
by 4X4 Celt
Ended up being one of the cups was slightly out due to one of the pin rollers inside moved outta place, before i started i had a slight vibration coming from the gear stick... now that's gone but there is a vibe in the 4wd gear knob.
Apart from that it's running sweet. Thanks for all your help.
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:25 pm
by 4X4 Celt
Ended up being one of the cups was slightly out due to one of the pin rollers inside moved outta place, before i started i had a slight vibration coming from the gear stick... now that's gone but there is a vibe in the 4wd gear knob.
Apart from that it's running sweet. Thanks for all your help.