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Weber 32/36 wanted!

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:02 am
by ashhash
Hey all,

Im after a Weber carb to suit my 1.3, can anyone help?
If you can supply the adaptor plate and linkage etc too then all the better :)

Email Ash,


Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:36 pm
by smiley_smoke
PM sent.
(this should probably be in wanted section?)

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 2:44 pm
by ashhash
Thanks mate.

Yeah sorry I thought of that afterwards... :oops:
Please move if its a problem mods.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:35 pm
by built4thrashing ... ight=weber

read this link it will help you


Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 12:48 pm
by munga

Weber 32/36 DGAV with Ramflow filter - NEW
also has Adapter plates for mounting onto a zook

Great - full kit through it two months ago

new job requires a daily driver, i dont think i will have the time to fit and tune

make an offer

weber 32/36 DGAV that i have rebuilt, full kit, and also to go along with it a Brand new Chrome top mount Air filter
will post to all of OZ

Perth WA

pictures on request.. should know what a carby and filter look like

PM me for more info/pics etc

don't do it

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:37 pm
by tuls
don't do it for the money spent on a webber and getting it tuned right go injection for around the same price even it may cost more the benifits out do the saving by a long shot

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:06 am
by smiley_smoke
tuls how much would injection be? i have done some searching on this and on webers. injection manifold 250 from suzisport. by what i have searched you also need a good fuel pump to match, most people go the VL fuel pump roughly 150 bucks on ebay new(ish).
what else would be needed? auto leccy to wire it up?

i have a weber sitting here. i bought it off a mate. rebuilt it. can get all the tuning off OL. air, fuel and idle jets are all relatively cheap on ebay or wreckers. all up 300 bucks give or take. bolt on.

what kind of prices would be expected for a full injection setup?

i am still searching for more info but cant hurt to have more! :D

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:18 am
by ashhash
Hmm I guess all I want is a bit more power, if injection is just as cheap then bring it on!

Surely its going to cost WAY more though??
Computer, injectors, fuel pump, wiring, manifold...

Advice appreciated!

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:59 am
by smiley_smoke
my thoughts exactly ash.
you could by the manifold cheap.. then you need the ecu wiring and someone with brains to wire it up (i dont).

weber or vit carb would be the go. weber being the better choice from what i have heard.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:09 pm
by built4thrashing
there is alot of negative thoughts out there on the weber being used off road but honestly if they were that bad they why is it one of the most popular performance mods done to them in the states??? dont believe me then search out a guy named SARGE on the usa zook sites.

As for price you could have a weber on and running in a few hours for under $300 and thats with spending time to do float mods and fuel settings. Webers are so easy to adjust and tune it becomes fun to play with them to see what they can do and to see if you can improve it anymore. and dont forget the induction noise :cool: :cool:

I have never heard of a EFI system being fitted and running for even close to that. $600 is the cheapest system i have seen and it required some wiring alterations and that was only for a TBI from a vitara. if you want MPI then ya looking at close to a grand.

so the weber doesnt sound that bad if ya a bit short on the cash but want more power.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:13 pm
by smiley_smoke
well put built4thrashing.. its easy to say 'just do TBI' 'it costs the same as a weber' i like to have facts to back things up.
and i agree on the ease of use with the weber it just bolts on!. i like the idea more with every post i read on those USA sites. there is enough info and thanks to you for your info on here that it makes it an easy alternative to MPI etc. and above all else.. cheaper! :D

cheers mate


Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:27 pm
by tuls
i say this because i have a webber on my zook and my mate of mine has the injection on his as far as performace you can't go past the injection webber are great over flat ground but get them on any incline or on a big lean to one side and it stalls good luck trying to get it started. theres a lot of theads about webbers but they all talk about the same problem stalling so if i had the dollars to do it again i would go injection because once its done you have less hassels there is more involed but thats only my opinion you have the choice.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:29 pm
by built4thrashing
hey tuls have you done the float mod on a weber or sealed up the fuel bowl?? if not then you will have problems. as for side angles i almost have to be ready to fall over before the weber cuts out.

People that complain about their weber just dont have them set up correctly.


Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:44 am
by tuls
built for thashin if it not too much trouble can you email me with the right info on the float ajustment and the sealing of the fuel bowl that would be greatly apreaciated email is