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Start YA Bastard ! mutter mutter mutter

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 5:48 pm
by JemmyBubbles
Feel free to put this in the auto electrical part.....

K. Let me start by saying I flipping hate auto electrical problems...

My Gq shorty diesel has been sitting for around 2 weeks in the garage, I went to start it and the battery was just reallly low on life. I tried jump starting it with the help of my missus' terios, it was turning over but it was reallllllly sluggish and wouldn't start.

So I went and got a new Excide N70EX big hD sucka. I plonk it in, get it sitting snuggly/tightly, clean the battery leads of corrosion, place the battery leads on do them up tight. The Lights come on, radio comes on but the starter is now clicking when I try to fire it up....O_o it was turning the engine over like 10 mins ago wtf..

Is it somehow possible that the new battery has caused this ? Could I have blown something ? I am of the opinion that clicking means shagged starter ??

wtf ?

Help anyone :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 5:54 pm
by familybus
if its been sittin for a while ive primed the fuel and then tryed to start it! i know that deisels need a good charge to startem when they been sittin! but yeh id get some feul up then try and starit, ive also used a bit of aero start in the air intake!

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 5:58 pm
by 4Speed
Bleed your fuel lines, check your filter and have another go, make sure you have good fuel pressure. If the engine is turning over then most likely it will be mechanical. Once you get it going check your battery is charging

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:50 pm
by Patchy
as i understand it he hasnt got as far as needing more fuel to start. his starter isnt even turning the motor ova.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 8:45 pm
by Doggy
Starter motor could be needing new brushes.....find a bar or hammer and give it a few smacks...the starter motor that is. Then try it

Re: Diesel SWB not starting.. help..

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 8:46 pm
by bogged
did you charge the new battery at all? probably a good starting point.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 8:48 pm
by mickyd555
Sir Rollsalot wrote:Starter motor could be needing new brushes.....find a bar or hammer and give it a few smacks...the starter motor that is. Then try it
as doggy said, but use something non-conductive so you dont short the starter terminat while your playing in the engine bay. An unexpected start could cause trouble.......Moreso tap the starter solenoid to free it up, thats what sound to be causing the problem.


Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 9:21 pm
by JemmyBubbles
Thanks for input,

Still haven't resolved it. I got the gf to key the ignition while I had a poke around, the series of clicking noises is coming from a relay in a compartment near the battery- I assume this to be the start relay.

Does that mean it shagged ??




PS: boggedasauras.. the battery seeeeeeems to have enough charge. LIke radio fires, no lights are dim.. When I key it, it just makes this series of clicks...

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 9:56 pm
by mattlux
try getting someone to hold the key on start while you are giving the starter a tap with the hammer, make sure the battery is fully charged as radio lights etc will come on if half flat, failing that make sure you are getting 12 volts to kick on starter if not short out with screw driver to the supply on starter and kick terminal

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 10:49 pm
by Woop
Check connections where the battery lead connects to the starter motor solenoid--large tin can on top of starter motor. As someone else said, try tapping the solenoid with a hammer. Try bypassing the solenoid with a jumper lead to see if it starts. Check engine earth cable--the one that bolts to the aircleaner support.


Re: ..

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:09 pm
by bogged
JemmyBubbles wrote:PS: boggedasauras.. the battery seeeeeeems to have enough charge. LIke radio fires, no lights are dim.. When I key it, it just makes this series of clicks...
they are all low charge items.. who knows how long the battery was sittin round the store before u got it


Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:31 am
by JemmyBubbles
with quite the red face I will humbley admit that the winner is mr. bogged with his answer of "did you charge the new battery at all? probably a good starting point"... Well I have hooked the terios up and it is cranking now but very slowly, is yet to start...

:lol: :lol:

Cheers mate,

Lesson start simple.

PS; I hate auto elect probs. :roll: I think perhaps my alt isn't charging ???

Re: ..

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:54 am
by bogged
JemmyBubbles wrote:with quite the red face I will humbley admit that the winner is mr. bogged with his answer of "did you charge the new battery at all? probably a good starting point"... Well I have hooked the terios up and it is cranking now but very slowly, is yet to start...
Lesson start simple.

PS; I hate auto elect probs. :roll: I think perhaps my alt isn't charging ???
I hate em too.. Quick test at the auto spark will tell u if its fubar.


Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:03 am
by JemmyBubbles
Had it connected to the terios for about 20 mins and all the f#$%ing thing did was crank over reallllllllllll slow and didn't seem like starting anytime soon. F#$%% C#$% of a thing. :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

IMHO I thought that would be long enough to get the thing charged. Do I go to supercheap and get a charger ???

F$% me for not owning any diagnostic tools. There's some corrosion on the negative lead going to the battery, I wired brushed it the best I could.

Failing this what is next... glow plugs ??

Re: ..

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:12 am
by bogged
JemmyBubbles wrote:Do I go to supercheap and get a charger ???
Id buy a good quality one. PS the terrios maynot put out enough spare charge to charge yours.

possibly take th battery back with u. or put it in the terrios and go for a drive to charge it
Failing this what is next... glow plugs ??
Your not even getting to glow plugs dude, your still at starter motor.
You could rip it off and clean it.


Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 4:25 pm
by JemmyBubbles
ARGH 1!!

Now there is sparks eminating from the negative battery terminal whenever I try and key it, in addition to the clicking noise from the starter relay.

Does this mean I have a short somewhere ??

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:59 pm
by ausoops
where are these sparks coming from and going to? the neg should be at the same potential as the body. also was the battery ( the excide) a brand new battery from a retailer. if so it should have started your truck firtst go no worries. take it back and get another if it was brand new as it sounds as if its got no charge.

did you put the bat in the correct way when you installed it? (maybe..)

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:37 pm
by Patchy
ausoops wrote:
did you put the bat in the correct way when you installed it? (maybe..)
if he did this his radio would MOST likely be screwed...

these clicks/click your hearing when you try start it... is it a quick sucession of clicks :?: or is it just a couple that you hear, one for maybe the glowplugs and one for starter :?:

if its a quick sucession of clicks thats a sign that your battery is screwed. if its only one or two then its normal. find one thats clicking and try just swaping it with another one from the vehicle thats the same as it, this will rule out that relay

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:01 pm
by BigMav
You really need to determine if the battery is good or not before going too far. Once you are confident its good move on. If it is a single click from the relay next to the battery this is normal, this would tell me your start relay is working. Next you need to check the connections at the starter motor itself, if you are geting a single click from the relay and nothing else then check the connection on the start solenoid and check with a voltmeter that 12v is applied at the solenoid when the key is turned. Check that the connection is good and clean. (solenoids are about $100) If you are hearing the starter motor spin but not engage with the flywheel this is also an indication of solenoid problems or the yoke which throws out the gear. Also another starter motor problem I've had is when you can hear the gear throw out into the flywheel but the gear doesn't spin, this indicates the clutch is rooted.

If you think the starter motor might be a bit iffy take it out and put it on a sturdy vice. Connect power to it to make sure it spins and throws out correctly. If it does get a big lump of wood and use it like a lever on the gear to load test it. You should burn a hole into the wood easily. This will confirm that your starter motor works. As already said make sure your battery is in good nick before getting too carried away.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:07 pm
by BigMav
By the way starter motors can have intermittent problems which it sounds like you might have. Mine recently would start fine and every now and then it would just click (the start relay not solenoid) then it would fire up ok the second or third time. Initially I thought battery was dying but a tester proved it was ok. The problem got more frequent which led me to replacing the starter motor solenoid after I tested it in a vice as I just described. It actually worked a few times in the vice and then stopped working completely. Gotta love auto elec shite!! Also mud can cause all sort of problems if the drain under the starter is blocked.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:09 pm
by BigMav
Lastly the sparks could be a small current draw somewhere (ie. radio) or the terminals are loose. How big are these sparks??


Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:31 am
by JemmyBubbles
Battery is definately in the correct way :cool:

I am going to make the assumption that the starter is fine. When I hooked up the gf's car the starter would turn the car over, but being a little terios didn't have enough power to start the car. When I was doing that the small sparks were appearing around the negative battery terminal.

The sparks are fairly small, but noticeable. Also the negative battery lead gets a little hot when trying to get the thing to start.

As far as the clicks are concerned it is like quite a number of them, definately more than just one. Sometimes they 'happen' when I turn the key to accessory. It seems like a short to me.

As a test lest night I recharged the old battery and left it in the car and come morning it was completely drained. So something is drawing copious amounts of power.

An interesting delima the accessories mostly work. Radio works, Lights work, Dash light works however L/R indicators do not work. The fuse for the indicators isn't blown... :shock:

Thanks for all the help,

Gonna go try a bunch of things and see what I come up with..

PS: I may be trying to eclipse the "how to lift a mav" thread.... :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:11 pm
by ausoops
high resistance in the earth cable or rusted join to body perhaps, you have cleaned the bat terms and the battery clamps.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:20 pm
by BigMav
use an ammeter and remove fuses one at a time until the current draw goes away if that is the case.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:40 pm
by beretta
Okay out with it, what did you do?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:43 pm
by Vulcanised
i'd check the connection between the battery and the body/engine of the vehicle.


Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:59 pm
by JemmyBubbles
LOL !!! Well I sort of didn't well check if the negative battery lead was earthed properly... and well...yeah... I did. o Snap..

Re: ..

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:40 am
by beretta
JemmyBubbles wrote:LOL !!! Well I sort of didn't well check if the negative battery lead was earthed properly... and well...yeah... I did. o Snap..
:rofl: At least you got it going! :oops:


Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:44 pm
by JemmyBubbles
LOL admin changed the name AHAHAHAHA ROFL..

Car is going well. Just for my sake I took it to an auto leccy and got my negative battery lead replaced. Got my Alt. tested and it's fine.

I guess the battery discharged after sitting for a week. I guess when I changed batteries I somehow interupted the negative battery lead contact with the body of the vehicle.... :roll: :roll:

Moral of the story is check the simple things first....

mountain out of a molehill perhaps ??

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:03 pm
by turps
I did the same thing on my old shorty. It had a stuffed earth lead from body to engine. So I took the old one off and got the auto elec to make a new one. Problem was when I connected it all back up. I got a bit of dirt, oil and other crap between all the metal surfaces (ie earth leads and body). So it wouldnt start.
So instead of playing with the last thing I changes I kicked and swore at everything else.
I could tow start it. But as soon as I flicked from Low beam to high it would stop and unless I was doing over 60 I would lose to much speed before it would come to life.
Ended up trying to jump it the next day and seen a small amount of smoke coming from where they should have been earthed. Cursed at the problem, scratched everything with abit of emery paper. And it all worked good as new after that.