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Did all Multivalve Turbo Diesel 80 series have ABS

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:45 pm
by Red Rover
I am looking at an upgrade to a multivalve auto (if fuel keeps going up), have seen a couple but i think they all have abs. Whilst I love my truck, at $2 a litre in the near future makes me worry a bit, still only thinking as I have the truck running just the way i want it, but i can't ignore the running costs. I want to swap in my detroit and rear elec lockers and part time kit, but it is no good with abs. If they are only available in abs, i will buy a wrecked 100 series and pull the auto and motor from it.

any help appreciated


Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:00 pm
by crankycruiser
i assume ya talkin about the t/d???

cos if ya talkin petrol then the answer is no

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:03 pm
by dumbdunce
no they did not.

possibly all 1995 multivalve turbos have ABS, but from '96 on it was definitely optional. Maybe standard in 40th anniversary, and VX but definitely not standard in GXL.

I would sereiously consider keeping your petrol 80 (unless it is a 4 litre) and putting the difference in cost towards LPG or just saving it for fuel. The diesels are great but probably not worth the changeover cost - a good multivalve 80 series will still get over $30,000 with low km and if you pay less than 20 you are buying trouble.



Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:27 pm
by Red Rover
MOst have 200 plus on them thast I have seen. Yes I was close to putting LPG on, but thye expect it to go up the the price of fuel once they stick the exise on it, unless i heard wrong. I have seen a couple of what i thought good multivalve for 25k with 180 - 220 on the clock. I guess it depends on weather belts and bearings in the engine have been done. I assume not. I was only looking at a multivale cause it had much more power from the people i spoke too, is this correct or is a 1hdt better. If I was certain about lpg with the price remaining the approx half price of ulp then i would most likely do it, but surely some of the other petrol guys here must be starting to think about changing to something more economical? Geez if it goes to $2 a litre that mean $180 to fill the main tank and travel approx 450-500kms. 90 litres in a diesel will go approx 900 k's, nearly double, therefore evrytime u fill up with a diesel u save $180.


Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:28 pm
by Surfin Alec
I have a 97 TD multi valve 80 (auto) non-abs. Its not a 40th but just a GXL.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:53 pm
by Red Rover
Cool.....sell me yours :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:26 pm
by bad_religion_au
Red Rover wrote: 90 litres in a diesel will go approx 900 k's, nearly double, therefore evrytime u fill up with a diesel u save $180.

that's probably a little optimistic there isn't it? most diesel cruisers i've driven probably get about 15l/100k's, (or a 1hz 105 series that got 20l/100k's) on the highway, is the multivalve really that much better?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:47 am
by dow50r
The bottom line is....diesels cost heaps to maintain, so if you buy one, allow 3k for a pump and injecters, and 6 if the motor is that ive just bought one of the above cheap cruisers....they are talking of rebating lpg installations to the tune of please consider.....
My hdft auto returned 14l/100 with 5 cylinders, so 12l/100 is probably a good overall figure on the highway.
All 95 hdft's had ABS, remember that luxury tax that was imposed in 95 for vehicles over 50k...well to keep prices down,(75k for a t/d) toyota deleted the accessories off the 96+ models....from memory, an auto t/d had ABS std from 93-95 inclusive

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 9:11 am
by Red Rover
I thought it was a bit too good on economy, but a couple of guys I know that have them reckon they get about 11 litres per 100k. But yes I know what you are saying about diesel running cost etc been there before. I'll check more into it.

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 9:36 pm
by HIL01X
My 96 multivalve got 10.5L per 100ks when I tried it and the previous owner said he had got down to under 10litres.
Probably needs injectors doing now and thats nearly $800.
And yeah, no ABS.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 8:10 pm
by Surfin Alec
Red Rover wrote:Cool.....sell me yours :lol:
Bahhh ha ha....took my almost a year to find it, and its white too :D . I have come to a conclusion that there must have been only about 2 dozen sold in Aus as you never see them for sale, and if you do, you gotta be there on the day with a deposit or youll just miss out.
I was the first person to look at mine, it was in the trading post on line that day for about 6 hours when I saw it. Got it for $23k which I though was a good deal as you still see them going for up to $30k.
