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Diesel Multivalve Heads

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 2:43 pm
by Red Rover
I have decided against the multivalve and putting gas injection on the 4.5 now. As i previously said it runs spot on now so I'll keep it. BUT a few mates of mine have multivalves and I mentioned that they have an issue time to time dropping valves when the collets pop out with wear, not to mention timing belts and bearing. Now they have always had the belts and bearing serviced, but they asked some questions around and they were shocked to find out about the collet problem. A guy they know had his motor rebuilt at 70,000 and at 170000 after it dropped valves.

My question can you change the collets with the head on or do you have to take it off, they are getting some conflicting reports


Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 4:15 pm
by hdj105
I have heard of the collet problem, but it's not common and I think it has more to do with the way the valves are adjusted.

I see no reason why the collects couldn't be changed with the head on as long as you have the correct equipment, and pressurise the cylinder with compressed air, as per any other engine.

As the 1HD-FT has no glow plugs, you'd need some adapter to fit into the injector hole for pressurising.