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Need stuff taken from Brisbane to Sydney before Christmas

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 7:41 pm
by Brad
I maybe buying another Car from Newcastle in the next week or so. If the deal comes off, which it should, I will have a car trailer travelling from Brisbane to Newcastle and a Dual cab ute, pretty much empty.

Looking to see if anyone has anything that they want to get moved from here to there or anywhere in between. I am only really looking to cover my costs so rates would be pretty cheap really.

Will only have a car on board on teh way back so there is scope for stuff that way as well.

Anyway if you have anything you want moved drop me and email, post it here or Pm me.

It ain't definate yet but I reckon he'll fold. :lol:

Prob be in November

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 8:30 pm
by spazbot
talk to shorty 40 maybee you can move some swampers for him


Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 8:13 pm
by Brad
Looks like it will be in mid november and now going Brisbane to Sydney as I need to pick up a half cut.

Anyway I have spoken to shorty..

Anyone else ?


Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 7:32 am
by Brad
will be leaving on the 17th Nov and back on about teh 19 - 20Th. Still have an empty car trailer on the way down, which isn't all bad ... Any more takers ?

Re: Well

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 8:08 pm
by Shorty40
Brad wrote:will be leaving on the 17th Nov and back on about the 19 - 20Th. Still have an empty car trailer on the way down, which isn't all bad ... Any more takers ?

Better not be empty on the way down :shock: :rofl:

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 5:44 pm
by sir_camel
You've got a taker from me for 4 33x12.5 tyres. Let me sort out the sale first and then i'll let you know mate. Cheers


Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 9:02 pm
by Brad
No probs .. I will look like a tyre shop :)

So you reckon I can fit teh swampers and MTR's in teh back of a D/C hilux ?? :)

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 6:50 pm
by Mad Cruiser
Hi, Can you pick up 5 X simex jungle trekkers2 34x10.50x15 from sydney for me ?


Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 8:45 pm
by Brad
Not long now, just under two weeks till I leave so get in quickkkkk.

Mad Crusier - yep it will cost you $50 and a picnic bar....


Man the lux is gunna love towing all this stuff ... better hope the 22R holds out long enough to make there and back with a car trailer :roll: :roll:

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 11:07 pm
by sir_camel
Hey Brad, still sorting out gettin the tyres to your place. Will hopefully have detaiuls by end of the week.


Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 6:24 am
by Shorty40

I have to pull out :cry: - I already have my tyres :D :armsup:

Sorry about that, but at least your trailer will be a little easier to tow ;)


Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 8:13 am
by Brad
No probs, less stuff = less hassle = faster trip :)

Anyway still happy to shift stuff, will wait out to hear on your MTR's Sir_Camel ..