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F75 Turbo Diesel with running probs
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 7:50 am
by sicklaser
i have a 2.8l TD Daihatsu rocky. i took it out for a cruise into town one night when i got home it was running rough as guts. Would hardly idle below 700 rpm. About 1500 rpm it seems ok. Between 1000 and 1500 rpm you can here a slight miss in the engine and the exhaust not has a pretty definate miss in it. Any ideas what it might be. i did have the injector pump rebulit a few weeks before it played up. Thanks Dan
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:54 am
by HotFourOk
Well its not spark plugs or leads
Is it fine when revving over 1500rpm? Eg on boost
It could be the boost compensator overfuelling when not on boost..
Has it done it ever since you had the pump rebuilt? or just now
The best thing with diesels is that they are not complex.. its probably a fuel problem, just gotta find where
Just change your fuel filter to eliminate any issues there, and go get that injector pump looked at again.. he mite have done sumthin wrong reinstalling it.
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:03 am
by tabrocky
If it's overfueling, I'd expect it to blow a s%$t load of black/white smoke.
Doesn't sound like that to me.
If it just has a miss, I would say that either one of your injectors are blocked, you have a leaking connection to one of the fuel rails to one of the injectors or there is something wrong with the pump.
It is possible that a bit of crap may have got into the one of injector lines while they had the pump out and has now blocked it.
Easy way to determine which injector/cylinder is playing up is to get the engine running at low revs, but so it wont stall, then go through and undo each injector line one at a time at the injectors. What will happen is instead of the fuel going into the injector it will leak out around the previously loosened nut (have rags ready to soak it up... not much fuel will come out) causing that cylinder to stop operating.
Perform this process to each injector one at a time.
If the engine runs ruffer when you undo it, then that injector was obviously working. When you undo the defective one, it wont make any difference to how the engine sounds. Problem solved!
Now go to a diesel shop and get it fixed.
But if the repair is under warranty, dont play with it yourself. Take it back to the place you went before.
Hope this helps.
Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:52 am
by sicklaser
hey thanks tabrocky. i was wondering how i would find a defective injector. Can they be rebuilt or is it easier to buy replacement ones? Thanks
Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:07 pm
by tabrocky
Hey sicklaser,
Any reputable diesel injection specialist will be able to replace the nozzles for you. It's certainly not a DIY thing.
The bits that you can see screwed into the head are the injector housings. The nozzle is housed inside of that. You can either remove the whole injector housing from the motor and take that in or just take the vehicle into the shop and they'll do the whole lot for you.
Diesel fuel injection is a very precise business. Almost all mechanical things I perform to my rocky I do myself, however the pump and injectors I leave to the experts.
I used to remove the injectors myself and take them in for recond. but I found that it wasn't much extra (labour cost) to get them to do the whole job drive-in/drive-out cos the DL motor is so simple to work on.
Last time i did it it cost about $350 all up. They recomend replacing the nozzles every 100,000km in indirect-injection motors (Rocky) or 150,000km for direct injection types.
The actual nozzle parts are worth about $30-$40 each ( by 4 obviously) so you can see there is a bit to the labour (setting the oppening pressure and the like...)
Good luck