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TD42 Engine switch for a ZD30

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:08 am
by macorti

It is possible to change a TD42 engine for a ZD30 eng, my Patrol has a TD42 engine, so a I was wondering if the switch can be done, what things I have to take in count to do it? I hope this doesn't sound silly but I would like to hear your opinions and comments please?

Re: TD42 Engine switch for a ZD30

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 7:24 am
by djd2
macorti wrote:Hi,

It is possible to change a TD42 engine for a ZD30 eng, my Patrol has a TD42 engine,

Re: TD42 Engine switch for a ZD30

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 7:34 am
by MyGQ
macorti wrote:Hi,

It is possible to change a TD42 engine for a ZD30 eng, my Patrol has a TD42 engine, so a I was wondering if the switch can be done, what things I have to take in count to do it? I hope this doesn't sound silly but I would like to hear your opinions and comments please?
Why would you want to swap the better engine for a hand grenade?

to do it you will need new motor with the pump, loom, computer

Next is the gearbox as the 3L uses a totally diff gear box (think its the same as the 2.8L Diesel) cause the TD42 box don't bolt up to a a ZD30

There would be alot of work involved. the only thing that would make it worth wile is putting it into a GQ and only if the TD42 is totally dead

Re: TD42 Engine switch for a ZD30

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:54 am
by djd2
MyGQ wrote: Why would you want to swap the better engine for a hand grenade?
My point excatly.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 9:16 pm
by MQ080

I'm guessing you have a GQ, 'cause no one with a GU ask that question. Why not find a truck with a ZD already in it?

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:38 pm
by adamj1300
how about one of those chev diesels 6.2 or 6.2 seeing u already have the 4.2 the gearbox should bolt up & the clutch is strong enough & would be lots cheaper than converting over to one of those timebomb zd 3.0s

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 7:08 am
by macorti
Yes mates you are totally right, the thing is that sometimes I feel a little bit frustrated cause my td42 is not fast enough, when I’m going up hill in a long highway I have to use the 3rd gear most of the time, and you probably are going to tell me to Turbo my car, but the thing is that here in Costa Rica there is not a safe place to get the installation done.

I was reading the procedure that TurboGlide people use in order to install a turbo and can assure that here in my country you are not going to find anything like that. I've even asked one of the TurboGlide guys about my KM's in my car (almost 400000) and he told me that they have installed turbo in cars with more than 400000 km.

A few days ago I asked you guys about to take my car to a diesel lab and get it adjusted, well I did it, but unfortunately the improvement that I got was very poor, the mechanic told me that maybe it is cause my car has a rotating and dependent fuel diesel pump, so at the lab all the diesel injectors were changed and the pump timing was adjusted as well, I changed the exhaust system as well….I don’t know what else to do.

Been honest I feel that my TD42 is running pretty well talking about the engine inside cause the lab mechanic told me.

So mates, if you have any comments or advices, I will appreciate them very very much…..

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 3:33 pm
by mikesmith
put up with it really.

if u want to go quick then u have the wrong truck unless u want to spend the $$$'s and turbo it.

big truck needs big power to move it.

putting a turbo on that engine may be fine but its a really only a question of how long will it last. it has done a lot of kms.

still td42 a mile better than any zd30 time bomb. have seen so many failures of them makes it hard to understand why anyone would own 1.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:13 am
by macorti
Thank you very much mates again you are right !!!! I don't have any complains about my car at all, a better stick to the TD42, as you guys said that's THE ENGINE......

Re: TD42 Engine switch for a ZD30

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:43 am
by turps
MyGQ wrote: Next is the gearbox as the 3L uses a totally diff gear box (think its the same as the 2.8L Diesel) cause the TD42 box don't bolt up to a a ZD30

There would be alot of work involved. the only thing that would make it worth wile is putting it into a GQ and only if the TD42 is totally dead
ZD30 if the diesel out of a GU. It may have slightly different ratio's in the box but there the same gearbox.

As for putting a ZD30 in a GQ when theres already a TD42 in there. As others have said. I think since you have the motor already there. I would be going for turboing the motor you have. Save alot of time. As a turbo can be fitted and tuned in a day or 2. Changing motor. Well just fitting it could take a couple of days getting it to sit in the engine bay properly.

As for the ZD30 being a timebomb. I havent heard of any of the later models dieing. And they do go alright.