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Shaving diffs?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:35 am
by ausyota
No my diffs arnt hairy :finger:
Thinking that when I do my SAS I will shave the bottom of my diffs for more clearance and use thicker plate for rock proofing.
So those that have done it have you had any probs?
Does the shaving reduce the oil capacity any worth worrying about? Particluly in the rear diff that is spinning all the time on road.Doesnt get to hot or anything?
Also do you reckon an engineer would have any problems with it (no drain plug)?

Those who have done it post up some pics too.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 9:59 am
by greg
MickBJ42 has done some shaving on his hilix diffs under his sierra.

Check out this thread. ... &start=100

There are some pics on page 6 i think.


Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 10:00 am
by bubs
you have a drain bolt, so whats he going to say :?: ... ng+housing

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 6:24 pm
by beebee
I've done it one both diffs in my hilux. I used 6mm plate and haven't experienced any side effects. Saved about an inch and it makes it heaps smoother. By removing the drain plug and surround and welding them up alone you'll save about 15mm and make it heaps smoother. The reduced oil capacity will make f-all difference.