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1HD-T problems

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:39 pm
hey fellas after some help regarding the 1HD-T it seems to be hesitating alot/loosing top end power, at first i thought it was bad fuel(bio-diesel) so i topped her up with about 40 litres of dyno diesel but was still having the same problem. I then thought it may be timing so I changed the timing belt which seems to have helped a bit but still the same problem. Has new fuel filter so that can't be the problem, any help greatly appreciated..

fuel filter

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:26 am
by Toli
What fuel filter do you run? Normal Toyota? I run a CAV and it blocks easily.

I would change it the fuel filter as you were running bio diesel maybe it has clogged up the filter a bit even if new. Even if it does not fix it you have a spare filter to keep around.