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Rocky F75 Timing Belt
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:17 pm
by tabrocky
For all of you driving around on overdue timing belt changes, take a look at this.
I think the phrase "In the nick of time" is probably in order... or possibly a tad late depending on which way you look at it.
The belt has run of the pullies and was being held back by the main pully set and the plastic cover. It apears the shaft on the injector pump has a bit of free play which has probably caused the problem.
For those that don't know, in the event that this belt breaks the pistons and valves tend to meet each other in an un-planned manner. This results in bent pushrods (best case) or catastrophic engine failure (worst case).
My advice... Change it when it's due or before hand.
This is on a vehicle i've just purchased, and I knew about the problem before I bought it.
Why Daihatsu moved away from timing gear, to this stupid set up has got me beet. The only logic I can think of is to reduce engine noise and also to get you back to the workshop at least every 100,000km.
Hopefully this may save a few other motors out there.
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:07 pm
by murcod
Strange how it managed to "walk" sideways?! I just changed one on an Excel last weekend (PITA to do) and they've got a metal plate on the crankshaft pulley cog to prevent that sort of thing.
I've had two belts snap on Daihatsu engines- one had only done around 50000km on the belt too..... Lunched the engines both times.
Make sure you fix the cover up as the belts supposedly don't like contact with water, coolant, oil, dirt etc etc. Basically they shouldn't be in the engine bay!

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:20 pm
by tabrocky
murcod wrote:
Make sure you fix the cover up as the belts supposedly don't like contact with water, coolant, oil, dirt etc etc. Basically they shouldn't be in the engine bay!

Yeah, a new cover is definatley on the parts list. Ohh... and a new Belt!!!
Bloody stupid idea. What was wrong with gears? Price I spose...
It is strange what it's done. When i bought it the pump was leaking a bit of diesel from the seals (bless the low sulphur diesel....

) so i manged to screw the price down. Once I pulled the cover off, i tryed to wiggle this an that and noticed the pump shaft moved side to side slightly.
I think this must have been sufficent to cause the belt to wander.
The engine was running beautifully before so buggered if I know how the pump was still working with that much free play.
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:50 pm
by RockyF75
F75's have timing belts

News to me, I was told mine doesn't

Is there an easy way for me to check for myself? I'm asuming that cover thingy will be quite visible from the front of the engine?
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:54 am
by BundyRumandCoke
Yes Rocky.
Look at the front of your motor. If the large cover that goes across the front of your engine, behind crank pulley and in front of injector pump is alloy, you have gear drive, if its plastic, you have a belt.
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:16 am
by tabrocky
BundyRumandCoke wrote:Yes Rocky.
Look at the front of your motor. If the large cover that goes across the front of your engine, behind crank pulley and in front of injector pump is alloy, you have gear drive, if its plastic, you have a belt.
Yeah thats the one Bundy.
Correct me if i'm wrong but i think they went from gear to belt around '87 for all diesel models (F70, 77, 75).
My other Rocky is a Dec '86 one and it has gear drive.
Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:40 pm
by murcod
RockyF70 wrote:
Daihatsu section has a spammer.


Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:34 pm
by The Rocky
my f75 don't . it geared

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:02 pm
by tabrocky
Bit of an update for you.
Before I begin... LOOK AFTER WHAT YOU'VE GOT!!!!
Previously I pointed the finger at the injector pump, however upon consulting the experts it turns out the free play noted is normal.
Turns out, last time the belt was done, a flange plate on the crankshaft pully was left out when it all got put back together. There are 2. One either side of the pully. Hence the belt has been uncontained for the last 95,000km, free to run wherever it pleases. I think Daihatsu deserves credit for designing an engine that will run like this and keep going.
Now lets talk price (all aproximate):
Timing Belt $110
Idler $150
Tensioner $90
Crankshaft pully $60
Plastic Cover $275 !!!!!!!!!
And the thing that caused all the problems in the first place by being left out the last time the belt was done:
Flange plate $6 GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
Some mechanics shouldn't be in business.
Moral of the story... If you've got bits leftover after you fix something PULL THE BLOODY THING APART AND FIND OUT WHERE IT GOES.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:26 pm
by Big-Stu
I wondered where that bit went. Honestly it didn't look important, so I just left it out.
So do you want me to post the flange plate to you now, or do you just want to buy a new one?
I've got to do my timing belt in a couple of months, so I'll remember this post when I've got bits left over.