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Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:33 pm
by 80UTE
Ive installed a 1HDFT ( Mech pump late 80 series engine ) into a 100 series ( 1HZ Engine ) and i need to know 2 bits of info. The engine is an import and some of the small vacuum/boost hoses are removed/missing. There are 3 small steel tubes that connect to hoses on top of the inlet manifold towards the front of the engine, the forward most one had a cap fitted ( by the engine importer ) and i need to know if it connects to vacuum or boost from the inlet manifold ? It connects to a round pod thingy on the side of the inlet manifold and the other hose out of the pod thingy connects to an other pod thingy on the injection pump. The second question i need to know is on the front of the inlet manifold on the head side is a small soleniod valve ( looks the same as the A/C idle up soleniod ) it connects to a pod thingy on the back of the injection pump by a small hose. What i need to know is what swiches it on/off ? Could be a temp thing or something !!!! I tried the buy a factory manual for this engine ( 80 series spec ) but the workshop manual is no longer available new. The 1HDFE manual is of no use as it has EFI control system !!! Any infomation would be just ace as its now running and going to the exhaust shop Monday for a new engine pipe and would be finished if i new what these thing do and connect too. :!: :!: :!:



Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:53 pm
by tobie
got the same engine in my 75x, i think the item you are talking about is a vacum solenoid for giving the pump more fuel at lower gears?? correct me if i am wrong, apparently there is a wiring solonoid meant for this piece, i
believe it is called a power valve ?

the one on my ute is not hooked up and i have been told not to worry about it

go into toyota and get them to bring it up on their screen and they shall tell you what it is called and hopefully what it does.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:24 pm
by Dzltec
Can you supply some pics, this will make it easier to help.

Why a direct injection turbo pump on a 1hz?? Do yo uhave further plans for it??


Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:46 pm
by tobie
you must have mis understood the post, i have the complete 1hdft engibne in my 75x , i have the pump and injectors away getting serviced at the moment, as soon as it is all re assembled i shall post a phot if you like, looks like a motor.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:09 am
by dow50r
wal, my sahara has these pipes ontop, and the front one is blanked aswell...not used....the import motors have EGR so id say the stuff hanging from it is the remnants. The idle up on the pump is air conditioning idle up on mine....

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 10:23 am
by hdj105
The small vacuum actuator on the engine side rear of the injection pump is the SICS actuator (start injection control system). The glow controller on HDJ80's also controls that solenoid, it's purpose is to reduce the puff of black smoke on start up. A cable tie around the arm pulling it to the rearmost position is all that's required (that vac actuator is NLA).

As Andrew mention the imports also have the dual EGR valves, so some of the vac plumbing will be for those.

When I fitted my 1HD-FT to the HZJ105 I scrapped all the unnecessary stuff, this was made easier by the fire that had written the donor 80 off. The only vac device retained is the a/c idle up.