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40 swb hardtop on 47 troopie??

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:06 pm
by Lupdog
Before I get really serious about this, does anyone know off hand If I need engineering approval to put a swb hardtop onto a troopie tub? I'm in Queensland BTW. I know it can be done just want to know if I'll have problems getting it legal.

Any info or pics appreciated.

Lup :)

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 8:45 pm
by Lupdog
Wow, I can't believe I'm going to be the first, lol!!

Lup :)

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 4:24 pm
by Stackson45
You will need to get it engineered at least to reduce the seating capacity, and aslo to get the structure checked where you fab the back wall - assuming you're going to close the back in - so top half shorty bottom half troopy?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:38 pm
by Lupdog
Stackson45 wrote:You will need to get it engineered at least to reduce the seating capacity, and aslo to get the structure checked where you fab the back wall - assuming you're going to close the back in - so top half shorty bottom half troopy?
Yep, thats the idea - swb top, troopy bottom. Talked to my mechanic and he said the same about seating changes and engineering for the different top should be straight forward. Getting a plate for taking seats out bites me. Had to get one when I registered my shorty and the PO had taken out the back seats. Paid 50 bucks for some bloke to look in the back and say "yep, no seats." then put on a plate. What a crock!

The swb top and sides I have is fibreglass (off my 40) so I will have to find an internal rollbar for seat belt mounts. Trying to pick up a second hand one but no luck yet. Am looking to turn this project into my work truck so I'm not looking to sink too much cash into it. Started looking for troopies now - probaby go for a 2H or if I can find the right rig on LPG would be my preferred option. Love the 2F but I do too many city miles and petrol would be a killer without gas.

Thanks for the reply Stackson45,

Lup :)

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:31 pm
by shorty_f0rty
i saw something similar around the southern suburbs of brisbane (kingston area kinda).. and it had an older style 40 tub on a 45 chassis with some style sides.. looked pretty cool actually.. i think it was registerd in QLD.. not sure..

could mean its been done before..?

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:08 pm
by Lupdog
shorty_f0rty wrote:i saw something similar around the southern suburbs of brisbane (kingston area kinda).. and it had an older style 40 tub on a 45 chassis with some style sides.. looked pretty cool actually.. i think it was registerd in QLD.. not sure..

could mean its been done before..?
he he, yes it has! I was kidding in my second post because I hadn't had any replies. I've seen a few of the 40 tub on 45 chassis with a short tray getting around too. God, I saw a red rig like this last weekend but they had grafted what looked like Diahatsu Scat(?) doors into the rear of the 40 tub to make it a 4 door. It was hideous! I've also seen a modified troopy the same as what I want to do at the wreckers so it has deffinately been done before and I prefer the look of the troopie tub rear end to a trayback. I just wanted to know if anyone had experience with doing this or had pics so I knew what I was in for to get it registered.

Thanks Shorty-forty, Lup :)