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80 series rear diff

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:09 pm
by scottmcguinness172
hey all i went away on the weekend and i took off at an intersection and my car make a clunky noise from the rear diff only when i take off sometimes tho and it seems to have a lot a slop and when i get under the car a turn the tail shaft hard enough it makes the clunk noise would any body have any sort of idea what it could be or what it would cost to rebuild and what would be idea to get done to it im not rich so yea not to expensive cheers all advice would be appreciated

regards scott

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:48 pm
by simkell
sounds like back lash, but could also be a uj problem. assuming your uj's are ok pulling the centre out and having new bearings put on should cost bugger all from a good diff shop. whilst it is out get the lsd shimmed or put a locker in.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:51 pm
by dow50r
You need a mechanic to look at it, you can drain the oil and catch what comes out to show him aswell, bearing kits are on ebay for $120, if it is gears, sms me, i have a set.