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Moving battery

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 9:53 am
by bubs
Ok guys, cause i am running no body lift, 4" axle forward and 15" travel shocks in the front, my shock towers will come close to the battery and interfere with the aircleaner as well, the air cleaner i am going to run the stock cleica one on top of the motor.

Now with moving the battery to the tray, what do i do.

Should i run a single like 30amp wire to one of those spliter type box things under the bonnet near where the battery is now and wire all the wire back into it.

Or is there another way about doing it :?:

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 10:07 am
by robbie
I think when they run a battery in a diff location, they run the cable straight to the starter, and then get a wire going to the fuse box, and run everything from that..

cant remember, helped my old boss do it a few years ago, but it was something like that

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 11:43 am
by Area54
I have done the same thing (batt below tray) I put a circuit breaker box (very similar to the one under my tray with all the relays inside - I think you say it that day) in the place of the batt in the engine bay, with a terminal post bolted in place. I ran a big fat cable from the battery in it's new location to the starter, then the same gauge big fat cable from the starter to the terminal post in the electrical breakout box. I bought a box with a clear lid (to keep an eye on things) and used gland nuts to maintain the sealed status. Then you can just connect the cables from the fusebox down to the terminal block in the breakout box. Very busy today, but I'll post up some pics as soon as i can for you.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 12:18 pm
by Ferwoaza
Just remember to use as fat a cable as you can..fatter = more current...always good :D

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 12:25 pm
by greg
We've done the same setup with my car... Heavy gauge wires run from the new battery position, back to the old battery position so that all existing wires could remain un-affected.

Seems to work pretty well - and moving the weight to the other side of the car made it sit far more level then before (coming problem for sierras).

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 12:50 pm
by MissDrew
I used 70mm squared cable to run from one of my batteris to the starter then another 70mm cable from the other battery to the winch controll box (in standard battery location) then just shortened the cable that went from the old battery to the fuse box (on drivers guard) and put that in to the winch controll box and just conected that to the supply for the winch.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 4:36 pm
by bubs
cool so i was sort of on the right track