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Hilux clutch - help please

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:59 am
by tumoit
Hey all

I'm not the most mechanically minded person and would appreciate some feedback on my clutch.

I drive a '93 Hilux. Lately I've noticed that my clutch has been deteriorating. Sometimes it only seems to have about an inch of "tension" when taking your foot off it (doesn't cause a stall but you need to put the revs on earlier), more and more when I go to take off and put it in 1st I have to depress the clutch then try again to get it to actually go into gear and occasionally there is a bit of grinding when putting it into reverse.

Does this sound like my clutch is on its way out or could it just be that the clutch needs to be bled? It is hydraulic.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:05 pm
by Frankenyota
Would check that the hydraulics for the clutch aren't leaking first.
check the slave at the gearbox, and the master cylinder under the dash at the pedal.


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:08 pm
by plowy
if your having to pump the clutch pedal it sounds like either the master or slave cylinder is leaking

check the resivoir fluid level 1st

if low check the slave cylinder on the g box, peel the rubber boot off n see if any fluid runs out ,if yes the slave cyl is shagged and needs replacing

if not check either side ofthe firewall for fluid stains around the master cyl / resivoir area if yes replace master cyl