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crawler gears for an mq\mk

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 7:24 pm
by DR Frankenstine
we need crawler gears

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 8:15 pm
by N*A*M
i don't own an mq but i voted yes because i know heaps of people that do and you guys need more aftermarket support :!:

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 7:42 am
by Wendle
for the divorced case! i think you would then see that case being used in lots of custom applications. just out of interest, where does the shift linkage hang out of that case?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 7:56 am
by MQ080
Why not put a GQ case in? I thought about this a while ago and came to the conclusion that there isn't all that much else you could do

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 9:49 am
by N*A*M
yes for the divorced case would be great :idea: :!:

it's stronger than a hilux case isn't it? and it would be cheaper than getting an OTT kit and then regearing a hilux case. but you'd still have the option of dual cases with hilux.

i have considered the divorced datto case for use with volvos (i think the offsets are correct). i reckon that'd be awesome to get gears for. after discovering how good rockhoppers are for suzuki, i'd love to see some more options for mq/k patrols.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 10:14 am
by Area54
I too don't own an MQ, but I can see the need for gears in a fully divorced case - the uses would be endless in modded trucks.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:36 am
by N*A*M

i'm thinking about volvos again :roll:

please vote YES so we can get some vendors interested :cool:

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 2:25 pm
by Guy
The MQ has the same offset on the diffs as the suzuki .. Is the MQ case more for the higher gearing ?? ..

Or how about a rover T/case .. arent alot of those divorced ?? have lots of gearing

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:24 pm
by Leprecaun
Hell yeah. To make the mq'k patrols climb and crawl that much better, would be worth it.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:11 pm
by Dozoor
cheapest way for mk mq low gears. :idea:
If it has a divoreced case , NP435 From a 70s 2wd F trucks, Do a windsor or clevo swap and use this box First gear is around 6.5 -1 , plus your datto case ratio of say 2.5-1 ? Diffs on These 4-1? 65-1 crawl :D
compared to what you have ? maybe around 3.8-1 1st gear , 2.5 transfer,4-1 diffs, 38-1 crawl. :cry:

These boxs can be had four a few hundred bucks mmmmmm

Exact ratios on your missan stuff i have no idea :cry:

But while looking at the marks adapter page a fair while ago, they mentioned there was problems with v8 conversions using the detached transfer on mqs , aparantly not a reliability problem with the case but keeping the case in line with its original mounts when the extra tourqe of a v8 was added. so you would need to fab a good bucket to mount it in.

These boxs where found in the big three so engine combos are all factory bits so im informed chev chys ford 6s n 8s :roll:

I have no idea how to calculate but think its in the region of 71% increase in crawl :?:

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 7:02 pm
by Bitsamissin
If you guys are seriously interested pull apart a t/case and assess the available room and take the gears to Mark Hardman for a ratio calculation and price based on say a run of 10 sets.
Initially the blueprints will have to be drawn and any tooling made up but once they are done thats it.
Thats how we did it for the Pajero low range t/case gears.....................