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I'm back, but I think I'll have to change forums soon, :-(

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:32 pm
by Floody_1985
G'day All,
Have been away from the forums for quite some time now, so have missed a fair bit. Ventured into north west QLD, living in lovely Mt Isa.

Anyway, reason I thought I'd post, is I'm looking at selling the Rocky, :cry:. She's been a good machine to me over the times (nearly 3 years now), but it's time is nearly over for me, and looking to upgrade.

New bus will more than likely be a Toyota Hilux Diesel, Dual Cab.

What I'm after exactly, is a rough estimate of the Rocky's price. Below are the particulars:

1993 Daihatsu Rocky, F78 Model
Side Steps
CD Player
Outer CV joints recently replaced
Interior is in good condition

Overall a reliable vehicle. Has been around Australia once with myself, Darwin to Alice and back, Darwin to Port and back up. Done some Km's on it over the few years I've had it.

Any feedback would be appreciated. Won't be on the market until probably late this year.



Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:50 pm
by murcod
Have a look on: (most likely give a ridiculously low value) (their valuations are more "real life")

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:52 pm
by RockyF75
Turbo Diesel?

As a guide, watching rocky's whenever they pop up 4sale, 93 usually goes for between 3 and 5 thou I think. There was one craze :silly: sales yard that wanted $6999 IIRC for a 86 model :roll: :lol:

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:55 pm
by Floody_1985
Is a turbo diesel.

3 to 5, :?. I want more than that!


Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:01 pm
by RockyF75
Floody_1985 wrote:Is a turbo diesel.

3 to 5, :?. I want more than that!

yeah dont stress i might have my year models mixed up :silly: , browse the sites mucod put up :D

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:09 pm
by HotFourOk
Hey Mick,

I bought my Rocky at the end of last year, nearly exactly the same as yours, 94 Model, mint condition.

It was at a car yard but including trade in I got it for 11g.

I wouldn't let yours go for much under8-9g mate, she's a nice rig :D

PM 'greyzook' and ask him nicely what he paid :lol: he bought one recently also.

Good Luck.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:56 pm
by tabrocky
I bought a '92 model about a month ago for $7250 on road. Has the turbo intercooled motor but doesn't have the IFS. Last of the F75 before they went to F78. Had 185,000km's on it. Immaculate condition with full service history. Hardly used off-road. No Rust.
The car yard had $8k on it but I picked a few faults with it and bet'em down.
You should be able to get around $9k for yours too i'd reckon being the F78, but that obvously depends with the extras bits you've got on it. If it had lower k's (200,000 ish) i'd say around the 10 mark.

Hope that helps


Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:03 pm
by RockyF75
tabrocky wrote:I bought a '92 model about a month ago for $7250 on road. Has the turbo intercooled motor but doesn't have the IFS. Last of the F75 before they went to F78. Had 185,000km's on it. Immaculate condition with full service history. Hardly used off-road. No Rust.
The car yard had $8k on it but I picked a few faults with it and bet'em down.
You should be able to get around $9k for yours too i'd reckon being the F78, but that obvously depends with the extras bits you've got on it. If it had lower k's (200,000 ish) i'd say around the 10 mark.

Hope that helps

damn that was a good buy :shock: :armsup: .

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:06 pm
by tabrocky
RockyF70 wrote: damn that was a good buy :shock: :armsup: .
Once the repairs are done it should be a good'n.

Currently having problems with the car yard. They seem to be taking there sweet time to process the stamp duty and rego transfer. "Ohh, yes we have posted that out to you"... yeah pigs a#$e! :roll:

Beware of used car dealers.
