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4x4 would I go about 'creating' one?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 3:56 pm
by Drewfus
Stupid question, but curious goes.

What need's to happen to 'create' a 'certified' club? are there certain established guidlines that need to be met? if so, where can I find out more?

At the moment I'm one of a number of guy's who 'hang out' together, go camping, driving etc, and we're good friends etc, but of late a few of us have been interested in competitions and the like, and are req'd to be in a 'club' to be able to enter.

Obviously we could join an existing club, and life would become easier, but what if we took the 'hard road' and set up our own, is it a feasible option?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 4:01 pm
by Area54
Talk to your state's four wheel drive council/association. They will give the info re starting a club. You can also buy an existing club that may not be active - this will already have an infrastructure in place.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 5:53 pm
by 65Mog
Have a look on the Department of fair trading web site in your state it would have all the info about starting a club.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 8:05 pm
by Area54
Okay, others may chirp in with further info on this, but it's all good to help you out.

You will need to hold a formal meeting (you don't need a clubhouse) to sort out the club name, simple budget, take the minutes of the meeting, appoint a President, Secretary and a treasurer. From there you can open a society/club account for the funds (show the minutes from the meeting to the bank to assist you). Then Register the club name with the office of fair trading in your state. Then you will need to apply to the four wheel drive association in your state to become incorporated and join the state association. Once accepted, you pay the fees to the association (usually for insurance and paperwork etc).

This is a broad explanation, I'm sure there are qualified people on this board that could answer the questions in more detail. Hope this helps.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 1:04 am
by Robbo
As I am an ex president of a 4x4 club :bad-words: DONT GO THERE BAD KARMA AND BAD THINGS COME DOWN TELEPHONE LINE WILL HAUNT YOU FOREVER :2gunfire:

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 5:35 am
by BundyRumandCoke
Here is the Australian National Four Wheel Drive Council website
From here, select the state of your choice. From there, you should be able to get info about starting a club. That is assuming you wish to be affiliated with a state organisation.


Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 7:58 am
by Drewfus
Thanks for the info guys, will investigate further.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 9:20 am
by bogged
Im betting the fee's and crap will outweigh the advantage...

Just as easy to join another club, and tack onto their insurance scheme!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 8:03 pm
by Area54
bogged wrote:Im betting the fee's and crap will outweigh the advantage...

Just as easy to join another club, and tack onto their insurance scheme!

If there only a few of you Drewfus, this might be the better option. Prolly meet up with more like minded people also...most clubs will allow you to come along on their day runs to 'test drive' before you join.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 10:11 pm
by Mad Cruiser
Robbo wrote:As I am an ex president of a 4x4 club :bad-words: DONT GO THERE BAD KARMA AND BAD THINGS COME DOWN TELEPHONE LINE WILL HAUNT YOU FOREVER :2gunfire:

Same here.... which is why i joined up on this website.....

Lots of Bad things happened... but doesn't happen to everyone
Wouldn't join another club ever again.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 10:22 pm
by Thonger
Looked at starting a club on base for army guys. The Qld association guys were really helpfull with advice, came out to talk to me and a few interested guys.
Prob was it was all left up to me to write constitutions and things :roll: , basically didn't have the time to do it with bush trips and other work crap on. so it fell through. If your mates are ready to do some of the work with you then give it a shot. But don't try and go alone and hope they will follow eventually.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 10:23 pm
by Thonger
Looked at starting a club on base for army guys. The Qld association guys were really helpfull with advice, came out to talk to me and a few interested guys.
Prob was it was all left up to me to write constitutions and things :roll: , basically didn't have the time to do it with bush trips and other work crap on. so it fell through. If your mates are ready to do some of the work with you then give it a shot. But don't try and go alone and hope they will follow eventually.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 4:12 pm
by Robbo
Even after leaving the club they still ring me up & bitch about the present committee, care factor.ROFLMAO :rofl: