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Newbie with a carb problem!

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:59 pm
by Mullett
So I bought an 85 sierra hardtop the other day (it says Drover on the door, but dammit, it's a sierra!) Took it up to Greenhead that afternoon, brilliant, never missed a beat. But it's got a killer flatspot just off light throttle, say between 10% and 35% throttle, and runs RICH. What's an easy rememedy? I've got a weber of some sort sitting on another car which is going to the tip, I can grab that, but I don't know what size it is. The carby on it is complicated enough to scare me...My other ride is a GZE AW11 MR2, so the thought of that motor in the zook is...well...tempting...

Cheers guys, RM

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:13 pm
by PJ.zook
Welcome to the world of the sierra carby, both my sierra's run like crap and most other ppls i know have carby problems too. :roll:

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:14 pm
by nicbeer
Sweet, another Perth person.

On the carb issue.

1. what engine is the webber on, may give an idea on size, usually 4cyl ones are good (eg escort and gemmi's)
2. early toyota carbs bolt on. 3k and 4k ones.
3. have u tried carby cleaner or choking the carb whilst running?


Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:17 pm
by suzuki boy
If you can go the webber!

If you can't take the air cleaner thing off the top of your carbie and rev it pretty hard and stick your hand over the carby at the same time. It will nearly stall and your hand will get coverd in crap but it fixes alot of problems in mine :twisted:

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:17 pm
by Mullett
Yup, another Perthie :) I'm pretty new to the world of 4WDing, but I've been having a blast in the bunky ole zook. If there's any Perth trips planned, I could well be up for it :)

As far as the carby goes,'s crap. I'll try a bit of carby cleaner, but the 4k/3k carbs bolt on? Good-oh. Making up spacers and stuff isn't a drama, if it comes to it, and the Weber is on a 21R in a Celica, but it drowned that...bad tuning (it was on there when we got it). I'll try and get a model number off it next time I see the car.

4k carb should be easy to come by though, will it get rid of all the complicated crap that surrounds the Suzuki one? And still run well? Other than that, a 4A-GE conversion seems like a pretty good propositon. Is anyone making up kits for that yet?

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:34 pm
by OldGold
I have been trying for years to fix a similar problem on mine and it's still crap. I have repaired/swapped the carb several times and it always fixes it for a month or so, and then it's back to normal.

They are just crappy, really tempremental things - but they work alright when they rarely do work.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:56 am
by lay80n
Is your vacum advance and timing working and set correctly. Got good spark.????


Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:59 pm
by Mullett
I need to do the timing, the vacuum advance wasn't connected but is now. The car pings like a BASTARD on long hills though, so the timing could well be wacky...


Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:41 am
by Pep
Mullett wrote:I need to do the timing, the vacuum advance wasn't connected but is now. The car pings like a BASTARD on long hills though, so the timing could well be wacky...

What fuel are you running?
I find if i run optimax or E10 it doesn't ping and i dont have to alter the timing

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:22 pm
by Mullett
I have been running Vortex (95 octane), and it REDUCES the pinging, running it on standard it pings like a bastard, but it's still pretty bad on hills. On that note, I bought a carb off a (92ish?) Swift today, any issues on bolting it straight up? So far, two of the main bolts don't line up, so I'll need to make an adaptor plate, is there anything else anyone's aware of?


Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 11:44 pm
by nicbeer
Was it a 1.3 swift? I had a swift one on mine for a bit, all i had to do was bolt it on and use a longer fuel line as it comes out in a slightly different spot.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:58 am
by lay80n
Mullett wrote:I need to do the timing, the vacuum advance wasn't connected but is now. The car pings like a BASTARD on long hills though, so the timing could well be wacky...

Without your vacum advance connected you will loose mid-throttle respons, like accelerating from a round a bout will feel sluggish. Cehck timing and see how it goes. Set it to 8 BTDC and see if it pings. if you run high octane petrol goint to 10 can make it feel nicer and respond better.
