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Nissan Trials Position Vacant
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 10:26 am
by Wendle
Anyone who wants a steer in the nissan trials and isn't in, shoot me an e-mail or give me a ring 0413 804 813
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 6:03 pm
by MissDrew
Soory but this spot was taken by ME by the time you posted this
But you know this

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 6:21 am
by Wendle
yep, that's right..
could actually use one more though..
so back to the top she goes.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:08 am
by Ryan
whats the 4b require 2 enter?
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:17 am
by Wendle
Rego, minimum third party property insurance, and you'd have to join our club.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:20 am
by Ryan
can u pm me some more details? i may have a mate that can help you out ill be seein him this arvo (pickin him up from wrk) what sorta driving is it etc? i may even be keen

but no promises yet i wont kno till i have seen him
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:26 am
by Wendle
not sure what you want to know.. it has some rocks, some mud, some man made obstacles.. each event is a continuous drive, when you get stuck - that's it till the next event.
Give me a ring if you want to know anything else, and I'll give you the number of our team manager dude..

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:15 pm
by MissDrew
Wendle Does your club have somebody that wants a ride? I need a spotter/passenger.
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 6:29 am
by Wendle
yeah, there should be someone willing to ride shotgun for you.. Don't think that would be a problem..
Still have one more spot to fill , if anyone is keen or knows someone else that might be keen, let me know..
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 8:19 am
by XXXL80
Guts wrote:Wendle Does your club have somebody that wants a ride? I need a spotter/passenger.
i thought bitsamissin was in 4 ya? i'll go spotter for ya if you cant find anyone!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 8:21 am
by Wendle
XXXL80 wrote:Guts wrote:Wendle Does your club have somebody that wants a ride? I need a spotter/passenger.
i thought bitsamissin was in 4 ya? i'll go spotter for ya if you cant find anyone!!!

that'd be cool. you do have to join the club though. bit of a pain...
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 11:57 am
by XXXL80
Wendle wrote:XXXL80 wrote:Guts wrote:Wendle Does your club have somebody that wants a ride? I need a spotter/passenger.
i thought bitsamissin was in 4 ya? i'll go spotter for ya if you cant find anyone!!!

that'd be cool. you do have to join the club though. bit of a pain...
thats cool, i would love to go in the trials, but its up to guts who he chooses as his spotter.
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 12:28 pm
by Wendle
if you want to join up, that's cool. There is $ involved but. Makes for an expensive weekend in the passenger seat

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 2:57 pm
by XXXL80
Wendle wrote:if you want to join up, that's cool. There is $ involved but. Makes for an expensive weekend in the passenger seat

how much are we talkin? and is it spotter for you?
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 1:41 am
by Matt N
that'd be cool. you do have to join the club though. bit of a pain...
You can be a member of any club that's part of the Association.
Our last team had members from;
ACT 4WD, Bong Bong, ACTJeepTrAction and Sydney JP.