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36 peds on 80

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:17 pm
by duck
just wondering how much lift u need to fit 36 peds to an 80 and also what do people recoments, eg small lift then body to keep the weight down or bigger lift no body ???

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:02 am
by CruiserCruising
I have 35in peds on my 80 running a 5inch spring lift. so 5 inch is plently. i got a mate with 3 or four inchs in his 80 running 35 mtr's and they are starting to scrub.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 1:28 pm
by sniper
Ah ha, I have been asking this same question everywhere.

You can do a 4" suspension lift and you can run them, or 2" body and 2" suspension.

Persoanlly I am not overly found of bodylift on cruisers so I will be adding a 4" suspension lift and running 36 pedes.

You will scrub not matter what on full compression.

Anything more then 4-5" suspension lift, you should flip the arms and put in high steer $$$$

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:37 am
by 80diesel4play
2" body lift and 3" coils on my 80 - and ran 37's and they never scrubbed!

Body lift keeps COG low with the big weighty items like motor/box/chassis - and creates space to get inunder the car to do things!!

I have mates with 5" coils.. blah blah - still having castor issues, brake line issues etc....

Your choice but overall in 5 years - I'm damn happy with my setup - touch wood havn't rolled it yet but still tryin!!

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:12 pm
by Coogs
3in lift (Ridepro) and
50mm bumpstop spacers (ATS4X4 Gelong)
36-12.5-16 pedes
no scrubbing :armsup: